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Re: [Xen-devel] building xen without mercury repository access

Ian Jackson a écrit :
> Keir Fraser writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] building xen without mercury repository 
> access"):
>> On 11/2/08 22:32, "Guillaume Rousse" <Guillaume.Rousse@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Anyway, using pristine kernel source tarball is not enough. How can I
>>> fetch just the xen dom0 patchset against it ? cloning the whole
>>> linux-2.6.18-xen.hg repository is a bit overkill for me (beside the
>>> additional constraints of preventing network access during build).
>> We should probably stick a tarball of our Linux tree on www.xen.org.
> Yes.  But which version of our hg tree ?  There aren't any release
> tags and a nightly tarball from tip would look scary even if it's
> actually quite stable.
I don't really care, as long as it is properly identified. Keir
suggested revision 406, it's OK for me (I don't track internal changes,
I'm not a kernel hacker).
Of course, if you could have releases, it would be better :)
Guillaume Rousse
Moyens Informatiques - INRIA Futurs
Tel: 01 69 35 69 62

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