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Re: [Xen-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Tree freeze for 3.2.0

Keir Fraser a écrit :
> Unsurprisingly given the recent churn rate, the tree isn't in a particularly
> stable state right now. I will push the staging tree into the main public
> tree later today, to encourage wider testing and fixing. Let's aim for a
> strong .0 release!
May I ask then this patch I already submitted twice get included ?

Basically, the original network-bridge scripts assume interface is the
last element on on the ouput line, whereas it is not always true,
especially if you use routing metrics.
Guillaume Rousse
Moyens Informatiques - INRIA Futurs
Tel: 01 69 35 69 62
Signed-off-by: Guillaume Rousse <Guillaume.Rousse@xxxxxxxx>
--- network-bridge      2007-11-07 13:46:30.000000000 +0100
+++ network-bridge~     2007-11-07 13:37:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
     echo "$ifs"
-netdev=${netdev:-$(ip route list  | \
-                   sed 's/.*dev \([a-z]\+[0-9]\+\).*$/\1/')}
+netdev=${netdev:-$(ip route list | awk '/^default / { print $NF }' |
+                  sed 's/.* dev //')}
 if is_network_root ; then
     altdevs=$(find_alt_device $netdev)
     for netdev in $altdevs; do break; done
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