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Re: [Xen-devel] Puzzling ttcp behaviour on Xen

Moffie, Micha <micha.moffie@xxxxxx> wrote:
> We are running 2 ettcp (test TCP) tests on xen as follows:
> Dom0 (source) to DomU (sink)
> And
> DomU (source) to Dom0 (sink)
> Dom0 has 2 vcpus and 256MB of memory. 
> DomU has 1 vcpu and 256MB of memory.
> Results (in seconds) show that communications from DomU to Dom0 are
> consistently
> faster (we show first 3 tests):

This is understandable as domU => dom0 uses direct memory mapping
while dom0 => domU involves (at least) one copy.

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