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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0 of 6] dm-userspace xen integration

CL> Well, this is part of the tools build, while xm-test isn't.


CL> We could do the same we do for the firmware build, i.e. test for
CL> the existence of the required tools and if they are not present,
CL> then skip the build.

I think that sounds good.

CL> I guess dm-userspace configures a devicemapper device from the
CL> backend script and then has the backend driver use that.  This is
CL> probably too late for qemu to use it since qemu starts immediately
CL> and will try to open it right away.

So, everything past the ioemu: is passed to qemu, which open()s it,
right?  I see there will need to be some changes made here to allow
qemu domains to work.  Wouldn't it make more sense to have the normal
device scripts run for qemu domains as well? (With the exception of
file: devices).  That would make it easier to add advanced block
device support for both types of domains without a special case for
HVM domains.

Dan Smith
IBM Linux Technology Center
Open Hypervisor Team
email: danms@xxxxxxxxxx

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