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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Paravirt framebuffer userspace tools [2/6]

Jeremy Katz wrote:
> Adds the basic userspace support for the VNC and SDL framebuffer pieces
> that run in dom0.  Slightly modified by me to add some option parsing
> +uint32_t gdk_linux_mapping[0x10000] = {
> +     [GDK_a] = KEY_A,
> +     [GDK_b] = KEY_B,
> +     [GDK_c] = KEY_C,
> +     [GDK_d] = KEY_D,
> +     [GDK_e] = KEY_E,
> +     [GDK_f] = KEY_F,
> +     [GDK_g] = KEY_G,
> +     [GDK_h] = KEY_H,
> +     [GDK_i] = KEY_I,
> +     [GDK_j] = KEY_J,
> +     [GDK_k] = KEY_K,
> +     [GDK_l] = KEY_L,
> +     [GDK_m] = KEY_M,
> +     [GDK_n] = KEY_N,
> +     [GDK_o] = KEY_O,
> +     [GDK_p] = KEY_P,
> +     [GDK_q] = KEY_Q,
> +     [GDK_r] = KEY_R,
> +     [GDK_s] = KEY_S,
> +     [GDK_t] = KEY_T,
> +     [GDK_u] = KEY_U,
> +     [GDK_v] = KEY_V,
> +     [GDK_w] = KEY_W,
> +     [GDK_x] = KEY_X,
> +     [GDK_y] = KEY_Y,
> +     [GDK_z] = KEY_Z,
> +     [GDK_A] = KEY_A,
> +     [GDK_B] = KEY_B,
> +     [GDK_C] = KEY_C,
> +     [GDK_D] = KEY_D,
> +     [GDK_E] = KEY_E,
> +     [GDK_F] = KEY_F,
> +     [GDK_G] = KEY_G,
> +     [GDK_H] = KEY_H,
> +     [GDK_I] = KEY_I,
> +     [GDK_J] = KEY_J,
> +     [GDK_K] = KEY_K,
> +     [GDK_L] = KEY_L,
> +     [GDK_M] = KEY_M,
> +     [GDK_N] = KEY_N,
> +     [GDK_O] = KEY_O,
> +     [GDK_P] = KEY_P,
> +     [GDK_Q] = KEY_Q,
> +     [GDK_R] = KEY_R,
> +     [GDK_S] = KEY_S,
> +     [GDK_T] = KEY_T,
> +     [GDK_U] = KEY_U,
> +     [GDK_V] = KEY_V,
> +     [GDK_W] = KEY_W,
> +     [GDK_X] = KEY_X,
> +     [GDK_Y] = KEY_Y,
> +     [GDK_Z] = KEY_Z,
> +     [GDK_0] = KEY_0,
> +     [GDK_1] = KEY_1,
> +     [GDK_2] = KEY_2,
> +     [GDK_3] = KEY_3,
> +     [GDK_4] = KEY_4,
> +     [GDK_5] = KEY_5,
> +     [GDK_6] = KEY_6,
> +     [GDK_7] = KEY_7,
> +     [GDK_8] = KEY_8,
> +     [GDK_9] = KEY_9,
> +     [GDK_Return] = KEY_ENTER,
> +     [GDK_BackSpace] = KEY_BACKSPACE,
> +     [GDK_Tab] = KEY_TAB,
> +     [GDK_Pause] = KEY_PAUSE,
> +     [GDK_Delete] = KEY_DELETE,
> +     [GDK_slash] = KEY_SLASH,
> +     [GDK_minus] = KEY_MINUS,
> +     [GDK_equal] = KEY_EQUAL,
> +     [GDK_Escape] = KEY_ESC,
> +     [GDK_braceleft] = KEY_LEFTBRACE,
> +     [GDK_braceright] = KEY_RIGHTBRACE,
> +     [GDK_bracketleft] = KEY_LEFTMETA,
> +     [GDK_bracketright] = KEY_RIGHTMETA,
> +     [GDK_Control_L] = KEY_LEFTCTRL,
> +     [GDK_Control_R] = KEY_RIGHTCTRL,
> +     [GDK_Shift_L] = KEY_LEFTSHIFT,
> +     [GDK_Shift_R] = KEY_RIGHTSHIFT,
> +     [GDK_Alt_L] = KEY_LEFTALT,
> +     [GDK_Alt_R] = KEY_RIGHTALT,
> +     [GDK_semicolon] = KEY_SEMICOLON, 
> +     [GDK_apostrophe] = KEY_APOSTROPHE,
> +     [GDK_grave] = KEY_GRAVE,
> +     [GDK_backslash] = KEY_BACKSLASH,
> +     [GDK_comma] = KEY_COMMA,
> +     [GDK_period] = KEY_DOT,
> +     [GDK_space] = KEY_SPACE,
> +     [GDK_Caps_Lock] = KEY_CAPSLOCK,
> +     [GDK_Num_Lock] = KEY_NUMLOCK,
> +     [GDK_Scroll_Lock] = KEY_SCROLLLOCK,
> +     [GDK_Sys_Req] = KEY_SYSRQ,
> +     [GDK_Linefeed] = KEY_LINEFEED,
> +     [GDK_Home] = KEY_HOME,
> +     [GDK_Pause] = KEY_PAUSE,
> +     [GDK_F1] = KEY_F1,
> +     [GDK_F2] = KEY_F2,
> +     [GDK_F3] = KEY_F3,
> +     [GDK_F4] = KEY_F4,
> +     [GDK_F5] = KEY_F5,
> +     [GDK_F6] = KEY_F6,
> +     [GDK_F7] = KEY_F7,
> +     [GDK_F8] = KEY_F8,
> +     [GDK_F9] = KEY_F9,
> +     [GDK_F10] = KEY_F10,
> +     [GDK_F11] = KEY_F11,
> +     [GDK_F12] = KEY_F12,
> +     [GDK_Up] = KEY_UP,
> +     [GDK_Page_Up] = KEY_PAGEUP,
> +     [GDK_Left] = KEY_LEFT,
> +     [GDK_Right] = KEY_RIGHT,
> +     [GDK_End] = KEY_END,
> +     [GDK_Down] = KEY_DOWN,
> +     [GDK_Page_Down] = KEY_PAGEDOWN,
> +     [GDK_Insert] = KEY_INSERT, 
> +     [GDK_colon] = KEY_SEMICOLON,
> +     [GDK_quotedbl] = KEY_APOSTROPHE,
> +     [GDK_less] = KEY_COMMA,
> +     [GDK_greater] = KEY_DOT,
> +     [GDK_question] = KEY_SLASH,
> +     [GDK_bar] = KEY_BACKSLASH,
> +     [GDK_asciitilde] = KEY_GRAVE,
> +     [GDK_exclam] = KEY_1,
> +     [GDK_at] = KEY_2,
> +     [GDK_numbersign] = KEY_3,
> +     [GDK_dollar] = KEY_4,
> +     [GDK_percent] = KEY_5,
> +     [GDK_asciicircum] = KEY_6,
> +     [GDK_ampersand] = KEY_7,
> +     [GDK_asterisk] = KEY_8,
> +     [GDK_parenleft] = KEY_9,
> +     [GDK_parenright] = KEY_0,
> +     [GDK_underscore] = KEY_MINUS,
> +     [GDK_plus] = KEY_EQUAL,

As I propose in a previous mail, we should use scancode instead of symbol id.

Why ?

Let me explain:

I use a french keyboard (sorry ;-) ) with a lot of symbols like "é", "è", "ç",
"à", "ù", and these symbols don't appear in your list.
Moreover some symbols are on the same key: "<" and ">" are on the same key on
french keyboard, whereas on an US keyboard they are on two different keys: how
to manage the shift key in this cases ?
The first keys on a french keyboard are: "AZ" whereas on an US keyboard it's
"QZ", so you translate the SDL symbol "A" to the kernel scancode "A" which is in
fact "Q"...
for the kernel, KEY_Q is the second key of the the second row, but on my
keyboard, the second key of the second row is "A", so if when I press "Q"
(GDK_Q), you send KEY_Q, (the 2nd key of the 2nd row) whereas I press the 2nd
key of the 3rd row (KEY_A).

So I think we should provide the scancode to the virtualized kernel (because
kernel manage scancode and not symbol) and let it to manage scancode/symbol id
translation using the standard mechanism (loadkeys at the console level, xkbd at
the X11 level, for instance).


------------------ Laurent Vivier -------------------
  mailto:Laurent.Vivier@xxxxxxxx BULL/FREC:B1-226
    phone: (+33) 476 29 7213  Bullcom: 229-7213
------------------[ DT/OSwR&D/AIX ]------------------
       "Any sufficiently advanced technology is
  indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke

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