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RE: [Xen-devel] RE: [PATCH] xenoprof (xen)

  Ian, Keir

  Here are the xenoprof patches for the linux-2.6-xen.hg tree.
  John Levon has reviewed these patches and I have included all his
suggestions on this version.
  According to John, it is unlikely to have these patches included into
main stream linux until Xen is also included.
  I am not sure how would you like to distribute it for now. I suggest
that we include the architecture specific driver for xen
(xenoprof-arch-linux-2.6.14.patch) into the linux sparse-tree for 2.6.14
(all code in this patch is under arch/i386/xen); and include the generic
oprofile driver modifications (xenoprof-generic-linux-2.6.14) in the
patches automatically applied when builting the linux trees for xen (all
code in this patch are under drivers/oprofile and include/linux). Please
let me know if this is acceptable or if you prefer an alternative



>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ian Pratt [mailto:m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx] 
>> Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 11:24 AM
>> To: Santos, Jose Renato G; Keir Fraser
>> Cc: Turner, Yoshio; xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Jose 
>> Renato Santos; G John Janakiraman; ian.pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: RE: [Xen-devel] RE: [PATCH] xenoprof (xen)
>> > Is there anything I can do to make your job easier?
>> > Would you like to receive multiple smaller patches (one patch
>> > per file)?
>> I think we should hold-off applying the linux patches to the 
>> sparse tree for the moment for a couple of reasons: John 
>> Levon would like to see some cleanups, and I think we'll be 
>> better off applying once the sparse tree has moved to 2.6.14 
>> anyhow (generated from the merge tree).
>> Jose: please could you have a go generating the patch 
>> against the linux-2.6-xen.hg tree.
>> Thanks,
>> Ian

Attachment: xenoprof-generic-linux-2.6.14.patch
Description: xenoprof-generic-linux-2.6.14.patch

Attachment: xenoprof-arch-linux-2.6.14.patch
Description: xenoprof-arch-linux-2.6.14.patch

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