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[Xen-devel] 05: parallel-make.patch

Name: parallel-make.patch
Depends: INSTALL.patch, proper-depends.patch
Description: support parallellism better
 Using shell for loops doesn't allow make to run it the most parallel
 modes.  Use patsubst/addsuffix tricks to make this work.
 Makefile     |   60 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------------
 xen/Makefile |    9 +++-----
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

Depends: INSTALL.patch, proper-depends.patch
Description: support parallellism better
 Using shell for loops doesn't allow make to run it the most parallel
 modes.  Use patsubst/addsuffix tricks to make this work.

--- xen-2.0.3.orig/xen/Makefile
+++ xen-2.0.3/xen/Makefile
@@ -32,13 +32,12 @@
 dist: $(TARGET)
        $(MAKE) prefix=`pwd`/../dist/install dist=yes install

-       $(MAKE) -C tools clean
-       $(MAKE) -C common clean
-       $(MAKE) -C drivers clean
-       $(MAKE) -C arch/$(TARGET_ARCH) clean
+clean: tools.clean common.clean drivers.clean arch/$(TARGET_ARCH).clean
        rm -f include/asm *.o $(TARGET)* *~ core include/xen/compile.h
        rm -f include/asm-*/asm-offsets.h
+tools.clean common.clean drivers.clean arch/$(TARGET_ARCH).clean : %.clean:
+       $(MAKE) -C $* clean

 $(TARGET): delete-unfresh-files
        [ -e include/asm ] || ln -sf asm-$(TARGET_ARCH) include/asm
--- xen-2.0.3.orig/Makefile
+++ xen-2.0.3/Makefile
@@ -30,25 +31,25 @@

 # install everything into the standard system directories
 # NB: install explicitly does not check that everything is up to date!
-install: install-tools install-xen install-kernels install-docs
-       $(MAKE) -C xen install
+install: xen.install tools.install kernels docs.install

-       $(MAKE) -C tools install
        cp -a $(INSTALL_DIR)/boot/* /boot/
        cp -a $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/modules/* /lib/modules/
        cp -dR $(INSTALL_DIR)/boot/*$(LINUX_VER)* $(prefix)/boot/
        cp -dR $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/modules/* $(prefix)/lib/modules/

-       sh ./docs/check_pkgs && $(MAKE) -C docs install || true
+       sh ./docs/check_pkgs && $(MAKE) -C docs install || true
+xen.install tools.install: %.install:
+       $(MAKE) -C $* install
+xen.dist tools.dist: %.dist:
+       $(MAKE) -C $* dist

 # build and install everything into local dist directory
-dist: xen tools kernels docs
+dist: xen.dist tools.dist kernels docs.install
        $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DIST_DIR)/check
@@ -61,28 +63,23 @@
        $(MAKE) prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR) dist=yes -C tools install

-       for i in $(XKERNELS) ; do $(MAKE) $$i-build ; done
+kernels: $(addsuffix -build,$(XKERNELS))

        sh ./docs/check_pkgs && \
                $(MAKE) prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR) dist=yes -C docs install || true

 # Build all the various kernels and modules
 kbuild: kernels

 # Delete the kernel build trees entirely
-       for i in $(XKERNELS) ; do $(MAKE) $$i-delete ; done
+kdelete: $(addsuffix -clean,$(XKERNELS))

 # Clean the kernel build trees
-       for i in $(XKERNELS) ; do $(MAKE) $$i-clean ; done
+kclean: $(addsuffix -clean,$(XKERNELS))

 # Make patches from kernel sparse trees
-       for i in $(ALLSPARSETREES) ; do $(MAKE) $$i-xen.patch ; done
+mkpatches: $(addsuffix -xen.patch,$(ALLSPARSETREES))

 # build xen, the tools, and a domain 0 plus unprivileged linux-xen images,
 # and place them in the install directory. 'make install' should then
@@ -93,16 +90,14 @@
        $(MAKE) dist

 # clean doesn't do a kclean
-       $(MAKE) -C xen clean
-       $(MAKE) -C tools clean
-       $(MAKE) -C docs clean
+clean: xen.clean tools.clean docs.clean
+xen.clean tools.clean docs.clean: %.clean:
+       $(MAKE) -C $* clean

 # clean, but blow away kernel build tree plus tar balls
-mrproper: clean
+mrproper: clean $(addsuffix -delete,$(ALLKERNELS)) $(addsuffix 
        rm -rf dist patches/tmp
-       for i in $(ALLKERNELS) ; do $(MAKE) $$i-delete ; done
-       for i in $(ALLSPARSETREES) ; do $(MAKE) $$i-mrproper ; done

        wget http://www.twistedmatrix.com/products/get-current.epy
@@ -165,13 +159,8 @@
        rm -rf "/usr/lib/python2.?/site-packages/xen* /usr/lib/libxc* 

 # Legacy targets for compatibility
-       $(MAKE) linux-2.4-xen0-build
-       $(MAKE) linux-2.4-xenU-build
-       $(MAKE) linux-2.6-xen0-build
-       $(MAKE) linux-2.6-xenU-build
+linux24: linux-2.4-xen0-build linux-2.4-xenU-build
+linux26: linux-2.6-xen0-build linux-2.6-xenU-build

-       $(MAKE) netbsd-2.0-xenU-build
+netbsd20: netbsd-2.0-xenU-build

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