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[Xen-devel] 02: doc-make-vars.patch

Name: doc-make-vars.patch
Description: Use vars for complex programs
 It's generally standard to call complex programs indirectly thru make
 variables.  This allows them to be replaced easily with alternative
 versions, without editting each makefile.
 Additionally, this patch makes use of $(pkgdocdir) in docs/Makefile.
 docs/Makefile |   53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

Description: Use vars for complex programs
 It's generally standard to call complex programs indirectly thru make
 variables.  This allows them to be replaced easily with alternative
 versions, without editting each makefile.
 Additionally, this patch makes use of $(pkgdocdir) in docs/Makefile.

--- xen-2.0.3.orig/docs/Makefile
+++ xen-2.0.3/docs/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f

-DOC_TEX  := $(wildcard src/*.tex)
-DOC_PS   := $(patsubst src/%.tex,ps/%.ps,$(DOC_TEX))
-DOC_PDF  := $(patsubst src/%.tex,pdf/%.pdf,$(DOC_TEX))
-DOC_HTML := $(patsubst src/%.tex,html/%/index.html,$(DOC_TEX))
+PS2PDF         := ps2pdf
+DVIPS          := dvips
+LATEX          := latex
+FIG2DEV                := fig2dev
+TGIF           := tgif
+LATEX2HTML     := latex2html
+package                = xen
+docdir         = /usr/share/doc
+pkgdocdir      = $(docdir)/$(package)
+DOC_TEX                := $(wildcard src/*.tex)
+DOC_PS         := $(patsubst src/%.tex,ps/%.ps,$(DOC_TEX))
+DOC_PDF                := $(patsubst src/%.tex,pdf/%.pdf,$(DOC_TEX))
+DOC_HTML       := $(patsubst src/%.tex,html/%/index.html,$(DOC_TEX))

 GFX  = $(patsubst %.obj, %.eps, $(wildcard figs/*.obj))
 GFX += $(patsubst %.fig, %.eps, $(wildcard figs/*.fig))
@@ -22,30 +38,34 @@
        rm -rf $(GFX) ps pdf html

 install: all
-       rm -rf $(prefix)/usr/share/doc/xen
-       mkdir -p $(prefix)/usr/share/doc/xen
-       cp -dR ps $(prefix)/usr/share/doc/xen
-       cp -dR pdf $(prefix)/usr/share/doc/xen
-       cp -dR html $(prefix)/usr/share/doc/xen
+       rm -rf $(prefix)$(pkgdocdir)
+       mkdir -p $(prefix)$(pkgdocdir)
+       cp -dR ps $(prefix)$(pkgdocdir)
+       cp -dR pdf $(prefix)$(pkgdocdir)
+       cp -dR html $(prefix)$(pkgdocdir)

 pdf/%.pdf: ps/%.ps
-       mkdir -p pdf ; ps2pdf $< $@
+       mkdir -p $(@D)
+       $(PS2PDF) $< $@.new
+       mv $@.new $@

 ps/%.ps: %.dvi
-       mkdir -p ps ; dvips -Ppdf -G0 -o $@ $<
+       mkdir -p $(@D)
+       $(DVIPS) -Ppdf -G0 -o $@.new $<
+       mv $@.new $@

 %.dvi: src/%.tex $(GFX)
-       latex $< >/dev/null
-       if [ -e $*.toc ] ; then latex $< >/dev/null ; fi
+       $(LATEX) $< >/dev/null
+       if [ -e $*.toc ] ; then $(LATEX) $< >/dev/null ; fi

 %.eps: %.fig
-       fig2dev -L eps $< $@
+       $(FIG2DEV) -L eps $< $@

 %.eps: %.obj
-       tgif -print -color -eps $<
+       $(TGIF) -print -color -eps $<

 html/%/index.html: src/%.tex
-       mkdir -p html/$*
-       latex2html -split 0 -show_section_numbers -toc_depth 3 -nonavigation \
-       -numbered_footnotes -local_icons -noinfo -math -dir html/$* \
+       mkdir -p $(@D)
+       $(LATEX2HTML) -split 0 -show_section_numbers -toc_depth 3 -nonavigation 
+       -numbered_footnotes -local_icons -noinfo -math -dir $(@D) \
        $< 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null


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