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[Xen-devel] Documetation - The Phantom Menace


Documentation is one of the main hurdles we'd like to get out of the way 
before releasing 2.0.  Stephan and I are at this very minute grokking the 
docs to start bringing things up to date.

We'd still like all the help we can get:
* If you've written any howtos, we'd like to incorporate them into the main 
user manual.
* If there's anything you'd really like to see in the docs then please tell us 
(if you can contribute the start of some text, that'd be even better!).
* If you find any mistakes, please report them.
* If you found there were any special steps involved in getting Xen working on 
your distro, beyond what the docs describe, please let us know.  We'd like to 
cover any distro-specific quirks...

We'd like the docs to be in a release-worthy state within about a week, so 
please don't hold back ;-)  Any help with this stuff will speed up the 2.0 

Obviously, please only contribute material you don't mind going into the user 
manual, that you have the right to donate, etc...  I doubt that it's much of 
an issue for most of you.


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