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Re: [Xen-devel] can't mount root... devfs???

> I believe DevFS is officially deprecated in 2.6.  They're looking to replace 
> it with udev, which is a userspace daemon that creates device nodes on your 
> existing filesystem when it detects and identifies devices using mechanisms 
> including the new sysfs.  Amongst other things, this allows for more flexible 
> naming policy for device nodes.
> It is still in 2.6 but I think they want to get rid of it eventually.

It turns out that most kernel developers hate devfs. And fortunately
it's rabid naming schemes (e.g., /dev/scsi/host/bus/lun/target/....)
are going with it. :-) udev appears to default to using traditional
/dev names [hopefully distros will stick to this too]. 

 -- Keir

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