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On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 09:19:56AM +0000, Ian Pratt wrote: > Of course, this will all be much neater in rev 3 of the domain > control tools that will use a db backend to maintain state about > currently running domains across a cluster... Ack! We might be doing duplicate work. How far have you gotten with this? Right now I'm running python code (distantly descended from createlinuxdom.py) that is able to: - monitor each domain and restart as needed - migrate domains from one host to another - dynamically create and assign swap vd's, and garbage collect them at shutdown or after crash ...and a few other things. Right now migration is via reboot, not suspend; haven't had a chance to troubleshoot resume further. The only thing I'm using VD's for at this point is swap. This code so far depends on NFS root partitions, all served from a central NFS server; control and state are communicated via NFS also. I just today started migrating the control/state comms to jabber instead, so that I could start using VD root filesystems after the COW stuff settles down. Haven't decided what to do for migrating filesystems between nodes in that case though. Right now I'm calling this 'txenmon' (TerraLuna Xen Monitor) but was already considering renaming it 'xenmon' and posting it after I got it cleaned up. This is all to support a production Xen cluster rollout that I plan to have running by the end of this month. I really don't want to go back to UML at this point, and if I don't have this cluster running by March I'm in deep doo-doo -- so I'm committed to working full-time on Xen tools now. ;-} So here's the current version, not cleaned up, way too verbose, crufty, but running: Steve #!/usr/bin/python2.2 import Xc, XenoUtil, string, sys, os, time, socket, cPickle # initialize a few variables that might come in handy thishostname = socket.gethostname() if not len(sys.argv) >= 2: print "usage: %s /path/to/base/of/users/hosts" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) nfsserv="" base = sys.argv[1] if len(base) > 1 and base.endswith('/'): base=base[:-1] # Obtain an instance of the Xen control interface xc = Xc.new() # daemonize daemonize=0 if daemonize: try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # exit first parent sys.exit(0) except OSError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "fork #1 failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror) sys.exit(1) # decouple from parent environment # os.chdir("/") os.setsid() os.umask(0) # XXX what about stdout etc? # do second fork try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # exit from second parent, print eventual PID before # print "Daemon PID %d" % pid sys.exit(0) except OSError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "fork #2 failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror) sys.exit(1) def main(): while 1: guests=getGuests(base) # state machine for guest in guests: print guest.path,guest.activeHost,guest.isRunning() if guest.isMine(): if guest.isRunningHere(): guest.heartbeat() if guest.isRunnable(): if guest.isRunningHere(): pass else: if guest.isRunning(): print "warning: %s is running on %s" % ( guest.name, guest.activeHost ) else: guest.start() else: # not guest.isRunnable() if guest.isRunningHere(): guest.shutdown() if guest.isHung(): guest.destroy() else: # not guest.isMine() if guest.isRunningHere(): guest.shutdown() if guest.isRunning(): pass else: print "warning: %s is not running on %s" % ( guest.name,guest.ctl('host') ) # end state machine # garbage collect vd's usedVds=[] for guest in guests: if guest.isRunningHere(): usedVds+=guest.vds() guest.pickle() for vd in listvdids(): print "usedVds =",usedVds if vd in usedVds: pass else: print "deleting vd %s" % vd XenoUtil.vd_delete(vd) # garbage collect domains # XXX time.sleep(10) # end while def getGuests(base): users=os.listdir(base) guests=[] for user in users: if not os.path.isdir("%s/%s" % (base,user)): continue guestnames=os.listdir("%s/%s" % (base,user)) for name in guestnames: path="%s/%s/%s" % (base,user,name) try: try: file=open("%s/log/pickle" % path,"r") guest=cPickle.load(file) file.close() except: print "creating",path guest=Guest(path) except: print "exception creating guest %s/%s: %s" % ( user, name, sys.exc_info()[1].__dict__ ) continue guests.append(guest) return guests def listvdids(): vdids=[] for vbd in XenoUtil.vd_list(): vdids.append(vbd['vdisk_id']) print "listvdids =", vdids return vdids class Guest(object): def __init__(self,path): self.reload(path) def reload(self,path): pathparts=path.split('/') name=pathparts.pop() user=pathparts.pop() base='/'.join(pathparts) self.path=path self.base=base self.user=user self.name=name self.domain_name="%s" % name self.ctlcache={} # requested domain id number self.domid=self.ctl("domid") # kernel self.image=self.ctl("kernel") # memory self.memory_megabytes=int(self.ctl("mem")) swap=self.ctl("swap") (swap_dev,swap_megabytes) = swap.split(",") self.swap_dev=swap_dev self.swap_megabytes=int(swap_megabytes) # ip self.ipaddr = [self.ctl("ip")] self.netmask = XenoUtil.get_current_ipmask() self.gateway = self.ctl("gw") # vbd's vbds = [] vbdfile = open("%s/ctl/vbds" % self.path,"r") for line in vbdfile.readlines(): print line ( uname, virt_name, rw ) = line.split(',') uname = uname.strip() virt_name = virt_name.strip() rw = rw.strip() vbds.append(( uname, virt_name, rw )) self.vbds=vbds self.vbd_expert = 0 # build kernel command line ipbit = "ip="+self.ipaddr[0] ipbit += ":"+nfsserv ipbit += ":"+self.gateway+":"+self.netmask+"::eth0:off" rootbit = "root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=/export/%s/root" % path extrabit = "4 DOMID=%s " % self.domid self.cmdline = ipbit +" "+ rootbit +" "+ extrabit self.curid=None self.swapvdid=None self.shutdownTime=None self.activeHost=None def ctl(self,var): filename="%s/ctl/%s" % (self.path,var) # if not hasattr(self,'ctlcache'): # print dir(self) # print self.path # self.ctlcache={} if not self.ctlcache.has_key('filename'): self.ctlcache[filename]={'mtime': 0, 'val': None} val=None mtime=os.path.getmtime(filename) if self.ctlcache[filename]['mtime'] < mtime: val = open(filename,"r").readline().strip() self.ctlcache[filename]={'mtime': mtime, 'val': val} else: val = self.ctlcache[filename]['val'] return val def destroy(self): print "destroying %s" % self.domain_name # print "now curid =",self.curid if self.curid == 0: raise "attempt to kill dom0" xc.domain_destroy(dom=self.curid,force=True) def heartbeat(self): assert self.isRunningHere() # update swap expiry to one day try: XenoUtil.vd_refresh(self.swapvdid, 86400) except: print "%s missed swap expiry update: %s" % ( self.domain_name, sys.exc_info()[1].__dict__ ) self.activeHost=thishostname self.pickle() def isHung(self): if not self.isRunningHere(): return False if self.shutdownTime and time.time() - self.shutdownTime > 300: return True return False def isMine(self): if self.ctl("host") == thishostname: return True return False def isRunnable(self): run=int(self.ctl("run")) if run > 0: return True return False def isRunning(self): if self.isRunningHere(): return True else: host=self.activeHost if host == None: return None if host == thishostname: return False filename="%s/log/%s" % (self.path,"pickle") mtime=None try: mtime=os.path.getmtime(filename) except: return False now=time.time() if now - mtime < 60: return True return False def isRunningHere(self): if not self.curid or self.curid == 0: return False domains=xc.domain_getinfo() domids = [ d['dom'] for d in domains ] if self.curid in domids: # print self.curid return True self.curid=None return False def XXXlog(self,var,val=None,append=False): filename="%s/log/%s" % (self.path,var) if val==None: out=None try: out=open(filename,"r").readlines() except: return None out=[l.strip() for l in out] return out mode="w" if append: mode="a" file=open(filename,mode) file.write("%s\n" % str(val)) file.close() def mkswap(self): # create swap, 1 minute expiry vdid=XenoUtil.vd_create(self.swap_megabytes,60) # print "vdid =",vdid self.swapvdid=vdid uname="vd:%s" % vdid # format it segments = XenoUtil.lookup_disk_uname(uname) if XenoUtil.vd_extents_validate(segments,1) < 0: print "segment conflict on %s" % uname sys.exit(1) tmpdev="/dev/xenswap%s" % vdid cmd="mknod %s b 125 %s" % (tmpdev,vdid) os.system(cmd) virt_dev = XenoUtil.blkdev_name_to_number(tmpdev) xc.vbd_create(0,virt_dev,1) xc.vbd_setextents(0,virt_dev,segments) cmd="mkswap %s" % tmpdev os.system(cmd) xc.vbd_destroy(0,virt_dev) self.vbds.append(( uname, self.swap_dev, "w" )) print "mkswap:",uname, self.swap_dev, "w" print self.vbds def pickle(self): assert self.isRunningHere() # write then rename so others see an atomic operation... file=open("%s/log/pickle.new" % self.path,"w") cPickle.dump(self,file) file.close() os.rename( "%s/log/pickle.new" % self.path, "%s/log/pickle" % self.path ) def shutdown(self): print "shutting down %s" % self.name # reduce swap expiry to 10 minutes (to give it time to shut down) if self.swapvdid: XenoUtil.vd_refresh(self.swapvdid, 600) xc.domain_destroy(dom=self.curid) if not self.shutdownTime: self.shutdownTime=time.time() def start(self): """Create, build and start the domain for this guest.""" self.reload(self.path) image=self.image memory_megabytes=self.memory_megabytes domain_name=self.domain_name ipaddr=self.ipaddr netmask=self.netmask vbds=self.vbds cmdline=self.cmdline vbd_expert=self.vbd_expert print "Domain image : ", self.image print "Domain memory : ", self.memory_megabytes print "Domain IP address(es) : ", self.ipaddr print "Domain block devices : ", self.vbds print 'Domain cmdline : "%s"' % self.cmdline if self.isRunning(): raise "%s already running on %s" % (self.name,self.activeHost) if not os.path.isfile( image ): print "Image file '" + image + "' does not exist" return None id = xc.domain_create( mem_kb=memory_megabytes*1024, name=domain_name ) print "Created new domain with id = " + str(id) if id <= 0: print "Error creating domain" return None ret = xc.linux_build( dom=id, image=image, cmdline=cmdline ) if ret < 0: print "Error building Linux guest OS: " print "Return code from linux_build = " + str(ret) xc.domain_destroy ( dom=id ) return None # setup the virtual block devices # set the expertise level appropriately XenoUtil.VBD_EXPERT_MODE = vbd_expert self.mkswap() self.datavds=[] for ( uname, virt_name, rw ) in vbds: virt_dev = XenoUtil.blkdev_name_to_number( virt_name ) segments = XenoUtil.lookup_disk_uname( uname ) if not segments or segments < 0: print "Error looking up %s\n" % uname xc.domain_destroy ( dom=id ) return None # check that setting up this VBD won't violate the sharing # allowed by the current VBD expertise level # print uname, virt_name, rw, segments if XenoUtil.vd_extents_validate(segments, rw=='w' or rw=='rw') < 0: xc.domain_destroy( dom = id ) return None if xc.vbd_create( dom=id, vbd=virt_dev, writeable= rw=='w' or rw=='rw' ): print "Error creating VBD vbd=%d writeable=%d\n" % (virt_dev,rw) xc.domain_destroy ( dom=id ) return None if xc.vbd_setextents( dom=id, vbd=virt_dev, extents=segments): print "Error populating VBD vbd=%d\n" % virt_dev xc.domain_destroy ( dom=id ) return None self.datavds.append(virt_dev) # setup virtual firewall rules for all aliases for ip in ipaddr: XenoUtil.setup_vfr_rules_for_vif( id, 0, ip ) if xc.domain_start( dom=id ) < 0: print "Error starting domain" xc.domain_destroy ( dom=id ) sys.exit() self.curid=id print "domain (re)started: %s (%d)" % (domain_name,id) self.heartbeat() return id def vds(self): vds=[] # XXX add data vbds vds.append(self.swapvdid) return vds main() -- Stephen G. Traugott (KG6HDQ) UNIX/Linux Infrastructure Architect, TerraLuna LLC stevegt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.stevegt.com -- http://Infrastructures.Org ------------------------------------------------------- The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004 Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA. http://www.eclipsecon.org/osdn _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list Xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xen-devel
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