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[Xen-devel] Little Howto for newbie - Installing FS for new domains in Xen1.2

Hi guys,
    I have written a little howto for newbie to install new (& quick) file system for domains from the Xen 1.0 ISO CD, in a step-by-step manner, based on the howto by Bin Ren and the README.CD v1.2.
    Comments and spots welcomed!
    Please note more updates are coming as the official Xen 1.2 ISO is released, and I will modify the howto accordingly.
    I will maintain the most update version on http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~u2ycc/xen/xen-install-domain-fs-howto.txt
Yan-Ching CHU

Attachment: xen-install-domain-fs-howto.txt
Description: Text document



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