\documentclass[11pt,twoside,final,openright]{xenstyle} \usepackage{a4,graphicx,setspace} \setstretch{1.15} \input{style.tex} \begin{document} % TITLE PAGE \pagestyle{empty} \begin{center} \vspace*{\fill} \includegraphics{eps/xenlogo.eps} \vfill \vfill \vfill \begin{tabular}{l} {\Huge \bf Interface manual} \\[4mm] {\huge Xen v1.3 for x86} \\[80mm] {\Large Xen is Copyright (c) 2004, The Xen Team} \\[3mm] {\Large University of Cambridge, UK} \\[20mm] {\large Last updated on 18th January, 2004} \end{tabular} \vfill \end{center} \cleardoublepage % TABLE OF CONTENTS \pagestyle{plain} \pagenumbering{roman} { \parskip 0pt plus 1pt \tableofcontents } \cleardoublepage % PREPARE FOR MAIN TEXT \pagenumbering{arabic} \raggedbottom \widowpenalty=10000 \clubpenalty=10000 \parindent=0pt \renewcommand{\topfraction}{.8} \renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{.8} \renewcommand{\textfraction}{.2} \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{.8} \setstretch{1.15} \chapter{Introduction} Xen allows the hardware resouces of a machine to be virtualized and dynamically partitioned such as to allow multiple different 'guest' operating system images to be run simultaneously. Virtualizing the machine in this manner provides flexibility allowing different users to choose their preferred operating system (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, or a custom operating system). Furthermore, Xen provides secure partitioning between these 'domains', and enables better resource accounting and QoS isolation than can be achieved with a conventional operating system. The hypervisor runs directly on server hardware and dynamically partitions it between a number of {\it domains}, each of which hosts an instance of a {\it guest operating system}. The hypervisor provides just enough abstraction of the machine to allow effective isolation and resource management between these domains. Xen essentially takes a virtual machine approach as pioneered by IBM VM/370. However, unlike VM/370 or more recent efforts such as VMWare and Virtual PC, Xen doesn not attempt to completely virtualize the underlying hardware. Instead parts of the hosted guest operating systems to work with the hypervisor; the operating system is effectively ported to a new target architecture, typically requiring changes in just the machine-dependent code. The user-level API is unchanged, thus existing binaries and operating system distributions can work unmodified. In addition to exporting virtualized instances of CPU, memory, network and block devicees, Xen exposes a control interface to set how these resources are shared between the running domains. The control interface is privileged and may only be accessed by one particular virtual machine: {\it domain0}. This domain is a required part of any Xen-base server and runs the application software that manages the control-plane aspects of the platform. Running the control software in {\it domain0}, distinct from the hypervisor itself, allows the Xen framework to separate the notions of {\it mechanism} and {\it policy} within the system. \chapter{CPU state} All privileged state must be handled by Xen. The guest OS has no direct access to CR3 and is not permitted to update privileged bits in EFLAGS. \chapter{Exceptions} The IDT is virtualised by submitting a virtual 'trap table' to Xen. Most trap handlers are identical to native x86 handlers. The page-fault handler is a noteable exception. \chapter{Interrupts and events} Interrupts are virtualized by mapping them to events, which are delivered asynchronously to the target domain. A guest OS can map these events onto its standard interrupt dispatch mechanisms, such as a simple vectoring scheme. Each physical interrupt source controlled by the hypervisor, including network devices, disks, or the timer subsystem, is responsible for identifying the target for an incoming interrupt and sending an event to that domain. This demultiplexing mechanism also provides a device-specific mechanism for event coalescing or hold-off. For example, a guest OS may request to only actually receive an event after {\it n} packets are queued ready for delivery to it, {\it t} nanoseconds after the first packet arrived (which ever is true first). This allows latency and throughput requirements to be addressed on a domain-specific basis. \chapter{Time} Guest operating systems need to be aware of the passage of real time and their own ``virtual time'', i.e. the time they have been executing. Furthermore, a notion of time is required in the hypervisor itself for scheduling and the activities that relate to it. To this end the hypervisor provides for notions of time: cycle counter time, system time, wall clock time, domain virtual time. \section{Cycle counter time} This provides the finest-grained, free-running time reference, with the approximate frequency being publicly accessible. The cycle counter time is used to accurately extrapolate the other time references. On SMP machines it is currently assumed that the cycle counter time is synchronised between CPUs. The current x86-based implementation achieves this within inter-CPU communication latencies. \section{System time} This is a 64-bit value containing the nanoseconds elapsed since boot time. Unlike cycle counter time, system time accurately reflects the passage of real time, i.e. it is adjusted several times a second for timer drift. This is done by running an NTP client in {\it domain0} on behalf of the machine, feeding updates to the hypervisor. Intermediate values can be extrapolated using the cycle counter. \section{Wall clock time} This is the actual ``time of day'' Unix style struct timeval (i.e. seconds and microseconds since 1 January 1970, adjusted by leap seconds etc.). Again, an NTP client hosted by {\it domain0} can help maintain this value. To guest operating systems this value will be reported instead of the hardware RTC clock value and they can use the system time and cycle counter times to start and remain perfectly in time. \section{Domain virtual time} This progresses at the same pace as cycle counter time, but only while a domain is executing. It stops while a domain is de-scheduled. Therefore the share of the CPU that a domain receives is indicated by the rate at which its domain virtual time increases, relative to the rate at which cycle counter time does so. \chapter{Memory} The hypervisor is responsible for providing memory to each of the domains running over it. However, the Xen hypervisor's duty is restricted to managing physical memory and to policing page table updates. All other memory management functions are handly externally. Start-of-day issues such as building initial page tables for a domain, loading its kernel image and so on are done by the {\it domain builder} running in user-space with {\it domain0}. Paging to disk and swapping is handled by the guest operating systems themselves, if they need it. On a Xen-based system, the hypervisor itself runs in {\it ring 0}. It has full access to the physical memory available in the system and is responsible for allocating portions of it to the domains. Guest operating systems run in and use {\it rings 1}, {\it 2} and {\it 3} as they see fit, aside from the fact that segmentation is used to prevent the guest OS from accessing a portion of the linear address space that is reserved for use by the hypervisor. This approach allows transitions between the guest OS and hypervisor without flushing the TLB. We expect most guest operating systems will use ring 1 for their own operation and place applications (if they support such a notion) in ring 3. \section{Physical Memory Allocation} The hypervisor reserves a small fixed portion of physical memory at system boot time. This special memory region is located at the beginning of physical memory and is mapped at the very top of every virtual address space. Any physical memory that is not used directly by the hypervisor is divided into pages and is available for allocation to domains. The hypervisor tracks which pages are free and which pages have been allocated to each domain. When a new domain is initialized, the hypervisor allocates it pages drawn from the free list. The amount of memory required by the domain is passed to the hypervisor as one of the parameters for new domain initialization by the domain builder. Domains can never be allocated further memory beyond that which was requested for them on initialization. However, a domain can return pages to the hypervisor if it discovers that its memory requirements have diminished. % put reasons for why pages might be returned here. \section{Page Table Updates} In addition to managing physical memory allocation, the hypervisor is also in charge of performing page table updates on behalf of the domains. This is neccessary to prevent domains from adding arbitrary mappings to their page tables or introducing mappings to other's page tables. \section{Pseudo-Physical Memory} The usual problem of external fragmentation means that a domain is unlikely to receive a contiguous stretch of physical memory. However, most guest operating systems do not have built-in support for operating in a fragmented physical address space e.g. Linux has to have a one-to-one mapping for it physical memory. There a notion of {\it pseudo physical memory} is introdouced. Once a domain is allocated a number of pages, at its start of the day, one of the first things it needs to do is build its own {\it real physical} to {\it pseudo physical} mapping. From that moment onwards {\it pseudo physical} address are used instead of discontiguous {\it real physical} addresses. Thus, the rest of the guest OS code has an impression of operating in a contiguous address space. Guest OS page tables contain real physical addresses. Mapping {\it pseudo physical} to {\it real physical} addresses is need on page table updates and also on remapping memory regions with the guest OS. \chapter{Network I/O} Since the hypervisor must multiplex network resources, its network subsystem may be viewed as a virtual network switching element with each domain having one or more virtual network interfaces to this network. The hypervisor acts conceptually as an IP router, forwarding each domain's traffic according to a set of rules. \section{Hypervisor Packet Handling} The hypervisor is responsible primarily for {\it data-path} operations. In terms of networking this means packet transmission and reception. On the transmission side, the hypervisor needs to perform two key actions: \begin{itemize} \item {\tt Validation:} A domain is only allowed to emit packets matching a certain specification; for example, ones in which the source IP address matches one assigned to the virtual interface over which it is sent. The hypervisor is responsible for ensuring any such requirements are met, either by checking or by stamping outgoing packets with prescribed values for certain fields. \item {\tt Scheduling:} Since a number of domains can share a single ``real'' network interface, the hypervisor must mediate access when several domains each have packets queued for transmission. Of course, this general scheduling function subsumes basic shaping or rate-limiting schemes. \item {\tt Logging and Accounting:} The hypervisor can be configured with classifier rules that control how packets are accounted or logged. For example, {\it domain0} could request that it receives a log message or copy of the packet whenever another domain attempts to send a TCP packet containg a SYN. \end{itemize} On the recive side, the hypervisor's role is relatively straightforward: once a packet is received, it just needs to determine the virtual interface(s) to which it must be delivered and deliver it via page-flipping. \section{Data Transfer} Each virtual interface uses two ``descriptor rings'', one for transmit, the other for receive. Each descriptor identifies a block of contiguous physical memory allocated to the domain. There are four cases: \begin{itemize} \item The transmit ring carries packets to transmit from the domain to the hypervisor. \item The return path of the transmit ring carries ``empty'' descriptors indicating that the contents have been transmitted and the memory can be re-used. \item The receive ring carries empty descriptors from the domain to the hypervisor; these provide storage space for that domain's received packets. \item The return path of the receive ring carries packets that have been received. \end{itemize} Real physical addresses are used throughout, with the domain performing translation from pseudo-physical addresses if that is necessary. If a domain does not keep its receive ring stocked with empty buffers then packets destined to it may be dropped. This provides some defense against receiver-livelock problems because an overload domain will cease to receive further data. Similarly, on the transmit path, it provides the application with feedback on the rate at which packets are able to leave the system. Synchronization between the hypervisor and the domain is achieved using counters held in shared memory that is accessible to both. Each ring has associated producer and consumer indices indicating the area in the ring that holds descriptors that contain data. After receiving {\it n} packets or {\t nanoseconds} after receiving the first packet, the hypervisor sends an event to the domain. \chapter{Block I/O} \section{Virtual Block Devices (VBDs)} All guest OS disk access goes through the VBD interface. The VBD interface provides the administrator with the ability to selectively grant domains access to portions of block storage devices visible to the system. A VBD can also be comprised of a set of extents from multiple storage devices. This provides the same functionality as a concatenated disk driver. \section{Virtual Disks (VDs)} VDs are an abstraction built on top of the VBD interface. One can reserve disk space for use by the VD layer. This space is then managed as a pool of free extents. The VD tools can automatically allocate collections of extents from this pool to create ``virtual disks'' on demand. \subsection{Virtual Disk Management} The VD management code consists of a set of python libraries. It can therefore be accessed by custom scripts as well as the convenience scripts provided. The VD database is a SQLite database in /var/spool/xen\_vdisk.sqlite. The VD scripts and general VD usage are documented in the VBD-HOWTO.txt. \subsection{Data Transfer} Domains which have been granted access to a logical block device are permitted to read and write it directly through the hypervisor, rather than requiring {\it domain0} to mediate every data access. In overview, the same style of descriptor-ring that is used for network packets is used here. Each domain has one ring that carries operation requests to the hypervisor and carries the results back again. Rather than copying data in and out of the hypervisor, we use page pinning to enable DMA transfers directly between the physical device and the domain's buffers. Disk read operations are straightforward; the hypervisor just needs to know which pages have pending DMA transfers, and prevent the guest OS from giving the page back to the hypervisor, or to use them for storing page tables. %block API here \chapter{Privileged operations} {\it Domain0} is responsible for building all other domains on the server and providing control interfaces for managing scheduling, networking, and blocks. \chapter{Hypervisor calls} \section{ set\_trap\_table(trap\_info\_t *table)} Install trap handler table. \section{ mmu\_update(mmu\_update\_t *req, int count)} Update the page table for the domain. Updates can be batched. The update types are: {\it MMU\_NORMAL\_PT\_UPDATE}: {\it MMU\_UNCHECKED\_PT\_UPDATE}: {\it MMU\_MACHPHYS\_UPDATE}: {\it MMU\_EXTENDED\_COMMAND}: \section{ console\_write(const char *str, int count)} Output buffer str to the console. \section{ set\_gdt(unsigned long *frame\_list, int entries)} Set the global descriptor table - virtualization for lgdt. \section{ stack\_switch(unsigned long ss, unsigned long esp)} Request context switch from hypervisor. \section{ set\_callbacks(unsigned long event\_selector, unsigned long event\_address, unsigned long failsafe\_selector, unsigned long failsafe\_address) } Register OS event processing routine. In Linux both the event\_selector and failsafe\_selector are the kernel's CS. The value event\_address specifies the address for an interrupt handler dispatch routine and failsafe\_address specifies a handler for application faults. \section{ net\_io\_op(netop\_t *op)} Notify hypervisor of updates to transmit and/or receive descriptor rings. \section{ fpu\_taskswitch(void)} Notify hypervisor that fpu registers needed to be save on context switch. \section{ sched\_op(unsigned long op)} Request scheduling operation from hypervisor. The options are: yield, stop, and exit. \section{ dom0\_op(dom0\_op\_t *op)} Administrative domain operations for domain management. The options are: {\it DOM0\_CREATEDOMAIN}: create new domain, specifying the name and memory usage in kilobytes. {\it DOM0\_STARTDOMAIN}: make domain schedulable {\it DOM0\_STOPDOMAIN}: mark domain as unschedulable {\it DOM0\_DESTROYDOMAIN}: deallocate resources associated with the domain {\it DOM0\_GETMEMLIST}: get list of pages used by the domain {\it DOM0\_BUILDDOMAIN}: do final guest OS setup for domain {\it DOM0\_BVTCTL}: adjust scheduler context switch time {\it DOM0\_ADJUSTDOM}: adjust scheduling priorities for domain {\it DOM0\_GETDOMAINFO}: get statistics about the domain {\it DOM0\_IOPL}: {\it DOM0\_MSR}: {\it DOM0\_DEBUG}: {\it DOM0\_SETTIME}: set system time {\it DOMO\_READCONSOLE}: read console content from hypervisor buffer ring {\it DOMO\_PINCPUDOMAIN}: pin domain to a particular CPU \section{network\_op(network\_op\_t *op)} update network ruleset \section{ block\_io\_op(block\_io\_op\_t *op)} \section{ set\_debugreg(int reg, unsigned long value)} set debug register reg to value \section{ get\_debugreg(int reg)} get the debug register reg \section{ update\_descriptor(unsigned long pa, unsigned long word1, unsigned long word2)} \section{ set\_fast\_trap(int idx)} install traps to allow guest OS to bypass hypervisor \section{ dom\_mem\_op(dom\_mem\_op\_t *op)} increase or decrease memory reservations for guest OS \section{ multicall(multicall\_entry\_t *call\_list, int nr\_calls)} execute a series of hypervisor calls \section{ kbd\_op(unsigned char op, unsigned char val)} \section{update\_va\_mapping(unsigned long page\_nr, unsigned long val, unsigned long flags)} \section{ event\_channel\_op(unsigned int cmd, unsigned int id)} inter-domain event-channel management, options are: open, close, send, and status. \end{document}