It was great to get introduced to you on the phone earlier, and thanks again for making time for our call over Thanksgiving!
As discussed, we need improved responsiveness from you and the team, in particular with respect to our requests for a schedule that we can use to track progress and build our own plans around. I am delighted
that you were able to commit to get us this schedule by Monday 1st December. We acknowledge that you can’t be certain of all the dates yet, and that even the best plans suffer from unexpected problems and slips, however we’d prefer to have a schedule
with uncertain dates than no schedule at all!
We also discussed that the schedule would contain Don’s work on the software side of things, and noted that given the “sketchiness” of Ian’s specification, we do expect to get a lot more questions from Don to
confirm details of what’s needed.
Thanks for your understanding,
Chris Shepherd
Senior Director, Product Development
T +44 1223 525700 | M +44 7870 559536