it's time to collate agenda items for next week's meeting again. Please forward them as usual to the list, such that I can put together an agenda.
Joao has both of the patches and wanted to follow up on Friday, but has not done so because of the freeze.
Joao will follow up on Friday, which Jim should see. Fixes related to outstanding crashes are coming in the next release.
Lars: John Garbutt has a talk at FOSDEM
ACTION (done): Lars to reach out to John re FOSDEM
Met John briefly at FOSDEM. We didn't go into a lot of detail regarding our CI loop, other that John seems to be generally fairly happy with
how we have run our CI loop
== Docs for Xen+LIBVIRT ==
ACTION (done): Lars to send a link to the docs on the list and ask for review
Note, docs are at
Got good feedback
ACTION (open): Lars will make mods and upstream
ACTION (done): Joao to point Lars to this issue in the docs (e.g. add to troubleshooting section)