Hello Xenproject team,
we are
https://www.ip-projects.de IP-Projects GmbH & Co. KG from germany.
We offer a wide range of products like dedicated servers, virtual Servers including Xen pvm and hvm.
We also offer loadbalancing services, managed clusters, dns and domain services.
Currently we have around 50 xen nodes running in our environment among the other about 3000 dedicated servers
we are hosting in two colocations in Frankfurt am Main.
As we are growing fast we recently announced our AS48314 (visible under
https://apps.db.ripe.net/db-web-ui/query?searchtext=AS48314 )
You can find our range of products under
https://www.ip-projects.de .
Our team currently has currently 12 members, but we are growing fast so the team will grow in the next months.
Responsible for security incidients and the matching fixes are all of our developing second level supporters.
I, Thomas Toka am one of the core developers who has co-developed our web interfaces, developed non standard routines for xen and who is maintaining our xen environments.
Our xen setup is highly customized. We use a bridged setup with iptables routing with traffic shaping, traffic accounting, anti spoofing and ip stealing capabilities, we use a kernel based block device throtteling per
device, we use own scripts to handle all tasks like lvm based snapshots backups, restores, etc..
We also maintain our own mirror
https://mirror.ip-projects.de and our own kernel repositories und
https://mirror.ip-projects.de/kernel with xen optimized kernels.
We know and acknowledge that the informations in this list are confidential and not for public release.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thomas Toka
- Second Level Support -

IP-Projects GmbH & Co. KG
Am Vogelherd 14
D - 97295 Waldbrunn
Telefon: 09306 - 76499-0
FAX: 09306 - 76499-15
E-Mail: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Geschäftsführer: Michael Schinzel
Registergericht Würzburg: HRA 6798
Komplementär: IP-Projects Verwaltungs GmbH