[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] [xen-unstable bisection] unreproducible build-i386-prev
branch xen-unstable xenbranch xen-unstable job build-i386-prev testid xen-build Tree: xen prev git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git *** Not reproducible - supposed basis pass *** Could not reproduce problem, or could not reproduce basis pass. Inconsistent test results; at this revision (supposed basis pass): c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e flight 175635 (blessed real) result pass flight 175734 (blessed real) result pass flight 175834 (blessed real) result fail flight 175861 (blessed real) result fail flight 175495 (blessed real) result pass flight 175569 (blessed real) result pass For bisection revision-tuple graph see: http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/results/bisect/xen-unstable/build-i386-prev.xen-build.html Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above. ---------------------------------------- Running cs-bisection-step --graph-out=/home/logs/results/bisect/xen-unstable/build-i386-prev.xen-build --summary-out=tmp/175894.bisection-summary --basis-template=175734 --blessings=real,real-bisect,real-retry --flight=175894 xen-unstable build-i386-prev xen-build Searching for failure / basis pass: 175861 fail [host=albana0] / 175734 ok. Failure / basis pass flights: 175861 / 175734 (tree with no url: ovmf prev) (tree with no url: seabios prev) Tree: xen prev git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git Latest c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e Basis pass c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git#c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e-c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e Loaded 1 nodes in revision graph Searching for test results: 151437 [host=elbling0] 151382 [host=albana1] 151416 [host=albana1] 151448 [host=fiano1] 151461 [host=huxelrebe0] 151473 [host=elbling0] 151491 [host=fiano1] 151528 [host=fiano1] 151661 pass irrelevant 151506 [host=albana1] 151696 [host=pinot0] 151554 pass irrelevant 151719 [host=fiano1] 151759 [host=fiano0] 151586 [host=albana1] 151606 [host=elbling0] 151740 pass irrelevant 151635 [host=fiano1] 151774 [host=fiano1] 151684 [host=pinot0] 151809 [host=pinot0] 151824 [host=huxelrebe0] 151840 [host=huxelrebe0] 151903 [host=elbling1] 151854 [host=huxelrebe0] 151926 [host=albana1] 151942 [host=huxelrebe0] 151884 [host=rimava1] 151869 [host=albana1] 152031 pass irrelevant 151990 [host=huxelrebe1] 151957 [host=albana1] 152045 [host=elbling0] 151975 [host=elbling0] 152004 [host=huxelrebe0] 152067 [host=pinot0] 152275 [host=pinot0] 152251 [host=chardonnay1] 152293 [host=huxelrebe0] 152233 [host=elbling0] 152311 [host=huxelrebe1] 152326 pass irrelevant 152342 [host=huxelrebe0] 152389 [host=huxelrebe1] 152461 [host=huxelrebe0] 152534 pass irrelevant 152566 [host=huxelrebe0] 152559 pass irrelevant 152542 [host=fiano1] 152548 [host=elbling0] 152597 [host=fiano1] 152586 [host=huxelrebe0] 152623 [host=chardonnay1] 152644 pass irrelevant 152658 [host=huxelrebe0] 152667 [host=albana1] 152684 [host=albana1] 152715 [host=albana1] 162771 [host=huxelrebe0] 152750 [host=huxelrebe0] 162790 [host=huxelrebe0] 152779 [host=albana1] 167348 pass irrelevant 152418 [host=elbling0] 152826 [host=huxelrebe0] 152511 [host=fiano0] 152484 [host=huxelrebe0] 167357 [host=huxelrebe1] 152849 [host=fiano1] 152498 [host=chardonnay0] 152877 pass irrelevant 152555 [host=huxelrebe0] 152896 pass irrelevant 162807 [host=huxelrebe0] 162835 pass irrelevant 165318 [host=albana1] 152958 [host=huxelrebe0] 152917 [host=huxelrebe1] 162845 [host=huxelrebe0] 165327 pass irrelevant 152942 [host=huxelrebe1] 165344 [host=huxelrebe0] 152985 [host=huxelrebe0] 153004 [host=huxelrebe0] 162854 pass irrelevant 153028 [host=huxelrebe1] 162867 [host=fiano1] 162876 [host=huxelrebe1] 162885 [host=huxelrebe0] 153065 pass irrelevant 153109 [host=chardonnay1] 165371 [host=huxelrebe0] 165388 [host=huxelrebe1] 153280 [host=albana1] 153321 [host=albana1] 166966 pass irrelevant 153363 [host=huxelrebe1] 153437 [host=huxelrebe1] 166975 [host=huxelrebe0] 153400 [host=albana1] 153468 [host=huxelrebe0] 153591 [host=huxelrebe0] 153494 [host=albana1] 153526 [host=huxelrebe0] 153602 [host=huxelrebe1] 162971 [host=huxelrebe0] 165408 [host=huxelrebe0] 165428 [host=huxelrebe1] 153551 [host=huxelrebe0] 165438 [host=huxelrebe1] 153619 [host=huxelrebe1] 153758 [host=huxelrebe1] 153653 [host=huxelrebe1] 163004 [host=chardonnay0] 163014 pass irrelevant 163021 pass irrelevant 153770 [host=albana1] 153788 [host=huxelrebe1] 165446 [host=elbling0] 153813 [host=fiano1] 165452 [host=fiano1] 163031 [host=huxelrebe1] 153882 [host=albana1] 165460 [host=huxelrebe0] 153845 [host=albana1] 165467 [host=fiano1] 153906 [host=huxelrebe1] 165471 pass irrelevant 165480 [host=huxelrebe0] 153931 [host=albana1] 153957 [host=albana1] 154016 [host=huxelrebe0] 154036 [host=fiano1] 163104 pass irrelevant 153983 [host=albana1] 167223 [host=fiano0] 167234 [host=elbling1] 167236 pass irrelevant 167241 [host=albana1] 154090 [host=albana1] 154058 pass irrelevant 165491 [host=albana1] 163122 [host=huxelrebe0] 163136 [host=huxelrebe0] 165503 [host=fiano1] 165509 [host=huxelrebe0] 163184 pass irrelevant 163160 [host=fiano1] 163168 [host=albana1] 163176 [host=huxelrebe1] 154481 [host=fiano1] 163190 pass irrelevant 163206 [host=albana1] 163219 [host=huxelrebe0] 165515 pass irrelevant 163231 [host=huxelrebe0] 154494 [host=fiano1] 154465 pass irrelevant 165524 pass irrelevant 165534 [host=albana1] 154504 [host=huxelrebe1] 154556 [host=albana1] 165539 pass irrelevant 154576 [host=huxelrebe1] 154592 [host=huxelrebe0] 163239 [host=huxelrebe1] 154611 [host=huxelrebe0] 166999 [host=albana1] 154634 pass irrelevant 154521 [host=fiano1] 165575 [host=albana1] 163293 [host=albana1] 163305 [host=albana1] 155017 [host=elbling0] 163313 pass irrelevant 163323 [host=chardonnay0] 163362 [host=fiano0] 167464 [host=huxelrebe0] 155113 [host=elbling0] 163386 [host=albana1] 167497 [host=huxelrebe1] 155211 [host=elbling0] 167504 [host=huxelrebe1] 165629 [host=fiano0] 155451 pass irrelevant 163436 [host=albana1] 155493 [host=huxelrebe0] 165631 [host=elbling0] 155510 [host=huxelrebe0] 155345 pass irrelevant 175592 [host=italia1] 163458 [host=huxelrebe1] 155532 [host=elbling0] 155549 [host=albana1] 155600 [host=elbling1] 155630 [host=albana1] 163478 [host=albana1] 165639 [host=fiano1] 155712 [host=huxelrebe1] 165654 pass irrelevant 155832 [host=huxelrebe1] 155759 [host=rimava1] 155788 [host=albana1] 163506 pass irrelevant 155810 [host=huxelrebe1] 155861 [host=huxelrebe1] 155921 pass irrelevant 155880 pass irrelevant 167042 [host=albana1] 163531 [host=albana1] 155937 pass irrelevant 155894 [host=albana1] 155960 [host=huxelrebe1] 163568 [host=albana1] 163552 [host=huxelrebe0] 155973 [host=huxelrebe1] 165681 [host=fiano0] 156050 [host=huxelrebe0] 156013 pass irrelevant 156085 [host=rimava1] 165684 [host=huxelrebe0] 156093 [host=fiano1] 165692 [host=huxelrebe0] 156112 [host=fiano1] 156027 [host=huxelrebe0] 163594 [host=albana1] 156119 [host=huxelrebe1] 165699 pass irrelevant 165712 [host=huxelrebe1] 156228 [host=huxelrebe0] 156136 [host=huxelrebe0] 156167 pass irrelevant 156196 pass irrelevant 156248 [host=albana1] 163610 [host=albana1] 156254 pass irrelevant 163632 [host=albana1] 156291 [host=albana1] 156268 [host=elbling1] 163647 [host=albana1] 156373 [host=huxelrebe1] 156315 [host=huxelrebe0] 165729 [host=fiano0] 156331 pass irrelevant 156339 [host=chardonnay0] 156389 [host=huxelrebe1] 156354 [host=chardonnay0] 156443 pass irrelevant 156524 pass irrelevant 163690 [host=albana1] 156538 [host=chardonnay0] 163714 [host=pinot1] 156556 [host=chardonnay1] 163671 pass irrelevant 156577 [host=albana1] 156401 pass irrelevant 163738 [host=fiano0] 156588 pass irrelevant 156663 [host=huxelrebe1] 156711 pass irrelevant 156608 pass irrelevant 156827 [host=chardonnay0] 163763 [host=albana1] 156845 pass irrelevant 163782 [host=albana1] 156857 [host=huxelrebe1] 156737 [host=fiano0] 163793 pass irrelevant 156799 [host=elbling0] 156807 [host=albana1] 156867 [host=fiano1] 156814 [host=huxelrebe0] 156956 [host=elbling1] 156882 [host=chardonnay1] 156975 [host=albana1] 156893 [host=chardonnay0] 163809 [host=huxelrebe1] 156905 pass irrelevant 156992 pass irrelevant 156918 [host=chardonnay0] 165798 [host=huxelrebe0] 163832 [host=fiano1] 156935 pass irrelevant 157016 pass irrelevant 157102 [host=huxelrebe1] 157115 [host=huxelrebe0] 157028 pass irrelevant 157123 [host=huxelrebe0] 157044 [host=albana1] 163859 [host=huxelrebe1] 163877 [host=albana1] 157063 [host=huxelrebe0] 157147 [host=chardonnay0] 157072 [host=albana1] 157166 pass irrelevant 157082 [host=huxelrebe0] 157249 pass irrelevant 157263 [host=huxelrebe0] 157182 pass irrelevant 163888 [host=fiano1] 165825 [host=fiano0] 157192 [host=chardonnay0] 157205 [host=huxelrebe0] 157398 [host=chardonnay0] 157218 [host=albana1] 165850 pass irrelevant 157233 [host=elbling0] 157271 [host=elbling0] 167381 pass irrelevant 157327 [host=pinot0] 163925 [host=fiano0] 157433 [host=chardonnay0] 157451 [host=fiano1] 165864 pass irrelevant 167387 [host=huxelrebe1] 157476 pass irrelevant 165875 [host=chardonnay0] 157335 [host=huxelrebe0] 157512 pass irrelevant 167402 [host=huxelrebe0] 165887 [host=fiano1] 167411 pass irrelevant 157536 [host=albana1] 157365 [host=huxelrebe1] 167418 [host=huxelrebe0] 164007 [host=fiano1] 163971 pass irrelevant 165919 [host=huxelrebe1] 163981 [host=huxelrebe1] 157617 [host=elbling0] 164013 pass irrelevant 157655 [host=fiano0] 164019 [host=fiano1] 157710 [host=huxelrebe0] 164029 [host=albana1] 157729 [host=huxelrebe0] 157744 [host=elbling0] 157754 pass irrelevant 163991 pass irrelevant 165924 [host=huxelrebe1] 164000 pass irrelevant 157775 [host=fiano1] 165929 [host=fiano0] 157568 pass irrelevant 165941 pass irrelevant 157837 [host=huxelrebe0] 165946 [host=elbling0] 165953 [host=huxelrebe0] 164049 [host=albana1] 157790 [host=huxelrebe1] 164055 [host=albana1] 157847 pass irrelevant 164061 pass irrelevant 157865 [host=huxelrebe1] 164069 [host=albana1] 164077 [host=fiano1] 157882 pass irrelevant 175601 [host=debina0] 164086 pass irrelevant 157900 [host=huxelrebe0] 164094 [host=huxelrebe1] 157931 [host=fiano1] 164097 [host=fiano1] 167083 [host=huxelrebe0] 157950 [host=huxelrebe1] 164106 [host=huxelrebe1] 157968 [host=elbling0] 164116 [host=albana1] 164119 [host=huxelrebe1] 164123 [host=huxelrebe1] 158010 [host=chardonnay1] 164129 [host=huxelrebe1] 158058 [host=elbling1] 165966 [host=huxelrebe0] 158067 [host=albana1] 165973 [host=elbling0] 158079 [host=elbling0] 158132 [host=chardonnay1] 164145 pass irrelevant 158097 [host=huxelrebe0] 165979 pass irrelevant 164149 [host=huxelrebe1] 158115 pass irrelevant 158146 [host=huxelrebe1] 164154 [host=fiano1] 164171 [host=albana1] 158183 pass irrelevant 158231 [host=elbling1] 158357 [host=fiano1] 158269 pass irrelevant 158369 pass irrelevant 166022 [host=huxelrebe0] 158379 [host=chardonnay0] 166031 [host=huxelrebe1] 158399 [host=albana1] 158409 [host=albana1] 158416 [host=huxelrebe0] 158424 pass irrelevant 158432 pass irrelevant 164230 pass irrelevant 158290 [host=huxelrebe0] 158296 pass irrelevant 158437 pass irrelevant 158457 [host=albana1] 164237 [host=huxelrebe1] 158467 [host=huxelrebe1] 164248 [host=albana1] 158303 [host=huxelrebe0] 158480 [host=huxelrebe0] 173812 [host=italia1] 158322 pass irrelevant 158496 [host=chardonnay0] 158560 [host=huxelrebe1] 158581 [host=albana1] 158591 pass irrelevant 158601 [host=elbling1] 158607 [host=chardonnay1] 164264 [host=pinot1] 158617 pass irrelevant 158511 pass irrelevant 158532 [host=huxelrebe0] 166043 [host=huxelrebe0] 158542 [host=albana1] 166049 [host=huxelrebe1] 158550 [host=fiano1] 158711 [host=fiano1] 166062 pass irrelevant 158719 [host=chardonnay0] 158628 [host=albana1] 158699 [host=fiano1] 166069 pass irrelevant 166073 pass irrelevant 164309 [host=albana1] 158787 pass irrelevant 158811 pass irrelevant 158835 [host=chardonnay0] 158755 [host=albana1] 166080 pass irrelevant 158873 [host=albana1] 158922 pass irrelevant 166088 [host=fiano0] 159013 pass irrelevant 166094 [host=fiano0] 159036 [host=fiano1] 158957 [host=fiano1] 166099 [host=huxelrebe1] 166106 pass irrelevant 164405 pass irrelevant 167119 pass irrelevant 159134 [host=albana1] 166111 [host=elbling0] 166118 [host=huxelrebe1] 159202 [host=chardonnay0] 159315 [host=fiano1] 166125 [host=huxelrebe1] 166135 [host=huxelrebe1] 166142 [host=huxelrebe0] 166147 [host=elbling0] 159362 pass irrelevant 159396 [host=chardonnay1] 159335 [host=fiano1] 159424 [host=chardonnay1] 159508 [host=albana1] 159453 [host=albana1] 159475 pass irrelevant 159487 pass irrelevant 164477 [host=albana1] 159491 pass irrelevant 159576 pass irrelevant 166152 pass irrelevant 159602 pass irrelevant 164499 [host=albana1] 159526 [host=albana1] 164528 [host=albana1] 166160 [host=fiano0] 159626 fail irrelevant 159540 [host=albana1] 166172 pass irrelevant 159652 [host=albana1] 167312 [host=huxelrebe0] 166185 [host=huxelrebe0] 166189 pass irrelevant 159671 pass irrelevant 167471 [host=huxelrebe0] 159559 pass irrelevant 159726 [host=albana1] 167480 [host=huxelrebe1] 167485 pass irrelevant 159692 pass irrelevant 159717 [host=albana1] 159814 pass irrelevant 159820 [host=albana1] 159825 [host=albana1] 159779 [host=albana1] 166196 [host=huxelrebe0] 166206 [host=albana1] 159831 [host=albana1] 159838 [host=chardonnay0] 159844 pass irrelevant 159851 pass irrelevant 159858 [host=fiano1] 166214 [host=huxelrebe0] 159864 [host=albana1] 159874 [host=fiano1] 159882 [host=elbling0] 159893 [host=fiano1] 159906 [host=chardonnay1] 159920 [host=fiano1] 159788 [host=elbling0] 159937 [host=albana1] 159795 [host=albana1] 159801 [host=fiano1] 159808 [host=albana1] 159953 [host=albana1] 160045 pass irrelevant 167174 [host=albana1] 160061 pass irrelevant 160069 pass irrelevant 164614 [host=albana1] 160083 [host=elbling0] 160109 [host=chardonnay1] 160089 [host=chardonnay1] 160092 [host=albana1] 160120 [host=huxelrebe1] 160101 [host=elbling0] 160296 [host=chardonnay0] 160130 pass irrelevant 166256 [host=huxelrebe0] 166263 pass irrelevant 160144 pass irrelevant 160159 pass irrelevant 160376 [host=albana1] 164667 [host=albana1] 166304 [host=chardonnay0] 160404 [host=huxelrebe1] 164687 [host=huxelrebe0] 160436 pass irrelevant 160348 [host=huxelrebe1] 160537 pass irrelevant 160471 [host=albana1] 160492 [host=albana1] 164739 [host=huxelrebe1] 160517 [host=albana1] 160559 [host=albana1] 160646 [host=huxelrebe1] 160581 [host=fiano0] 160630 [host=fiano1] 164786 [host=huxelrebe1] 160733 [host=fiano1] 160776 [host=huxelrebe0] 164798 [host=fiano1] 160796 [host=huxelrebe0] 164805 [host=fiano1] 160745 [host=huxelrebe0] 160820 [host=huxelrebe0] 164819 pass irrelevant 166324 [host=fiano0] 160758 [host=huxelrebe0] 160912 [host=huxelrebe0] 160850 [host=huxelrebe0] 160878 [host=huxelrebe0] 167336 [host=huxelrebe1] 164848 [host=albana1] 164866 [host=fiano0] 164873 [host=huxelrebe0] 164877 [host=fiano1] 160960 [host=chardonnay1] 164883 [host=albana1] 161071 [host=albana1] 166378 [host=elbling0] 161036 [host=huxelrebe0] 164892 [host=fiano1] 161117 [host=huxelrebe0] 161222 [host=chardonnay1] 161153 [host=huxelrebe0] 161180 [host=huxelrebe0] 161198 [host=huxelrebe0] 161244 [host=huxelrebe0] 161296 [host=huxelrebe0] 161317 [host=huxelrebe0] 161340 [host=huxelrebe0] 175612 [host=huxelrebe1] 164958 [host=albana1] 161368 [host=albana1] 164963 [host=albana1] 164969 pass irrelevant 161393 [host=chardonnay1] 164922 [host=huxelrebe1] 164976 [host=fiano1] 164983 [host=huxelrebe1] 161404 [host=huxelrebe1] 164987 pass irrelevant 164945 [host=huxelrebe1] 161421 [host=chardonnay1] 161439 [host=huxelrebe0] 161264 [host=albana1] 164951 [host=huxelrebe1] 161281 [host=albana1] 164996 [host=elbling0] 161451 [host=huxelrebe0] 167210 pass irrelevant 161460 [host=huxelrebe0] 161512 [host=huxelrebe1] 161470 [host=huxelrebe0] 161480 [host=huxelrebe0] 161534 [host=albana1] 161492 [host=elbling0] 161551 [host=huxelrebe0] 161584 [host=fiano1] 161599 [host=elbling0] 165015 [host=pinot1] 161613 [host=elbling0] 161567 [host=huxelrebe0] 161628 pass irrelevant 161811 [host=fiano1] 161825 [host=huxelrebe1] 161755 [host=huxelrebe1] 161836 [host=chardonnay1] 161778 [host=huxelrebe1] 161851 [host=albana1] 166912 [host=albana1] 161859 [host=albana1] 161888 pass irrelevant 161872 pass irrelevant 161898 pass irrelevant 161954 [host=albana1] 161909 [host=chardonnay1] 161917 [host=huxelrebe0] 161964 pass irrelevant 161926 [host=albana1] 161973 [host=huxelrebe0] 165052 [host=fiano0] 161983 [host=albana1] 161946 pass irrelevant 162107 [host=huxelrebe1] 161990 [host=huxelrebe1] 165103 [host=albana1] 162058 [host=huxelrebe0] 162119 [host=fiano1] 162078 [host=huxelrebe0] 162126 [host=fiano1] 162095 [host=huxelrebe1] 162102 [host=huxelrebe0] 162137 [host=huxelrebe0] 165123 [host=fiano1] 167448 [host=albana1] 165127 pass irrelevant 165131 [host=albana1] 162145 pass irrelevant 165136 [host=albana1] 162150 [host=huxelrebe0] 162172 [host=chardonnay1] 165142 pass irrelevant 167455 [host=albana1] 165147 pass irrelevant 162156 [host=huxelrebe0] 162230 [host=huxelrebe0] 162242 pass irrelevant 162164 [host=huxelrebe0] 162325 [host=huxelrebe0] 162250 [host=chardonnay1] 162255 [host=albana1] 162261 [host=albana1] 162269 [host=huxelrebe1] 162276 [host=fiano1] 162282 [host=albana1] 162330 [host=chardonnay1] 162385 [host=huxelrebe0] 166941 [host=elbling0] 165156 [host=huxelrebe0] 166960 pass irrelevant 162337 [host=huxelrebe0] 162422 [host=albana1] 165161 pass irrelevant 162343 [host=albana1] 165168 [host=albana1] 165194 [host=huxelrebe0] 165198 [host=huxelrebe1] 165174 [host=albana1] 165205 pass irrelevant 165211 [host=huxelrebe0] 165183 pass irrelevant 165218 pass irrelevant 162475 [host=huxelrebe0] 165188 [host=albana1] 165227 [host=albana1] 162600 pass irrelevant 162533 [host=albana1] 162668 [host=huxelrebe0] 162556 [host=huxelrebe1] 162697 [host=huxelrebe0] 162755 [host=huxelrebe0] 162698 !! flight 162698 no revisions or trees 162699 [host=huxelrebe0] 162701 [host=huxelrebe0] 162655 !! flight 162655 no revisions or trees 162703 [host=huxelrebe0] 162704 [host=huxelrebe0] 162705 [host=huxelrebe0] 162706 [host=huxelrebe0] 162707 !! flight 162707 no revisions or trees 162657 !! flight 162657 no revisions or trees 162708 [host=huxelrebe1] 162709 !! flight 162709 no revisions or trees 162658 !! flight 162658 no revisions or trees 162710 [host=huxelrebe0] 162711 !! flight 162711 no revisions or trees 162713 !! flight 162713 no revisions or trees 162714 [host=huxelrebe0] 162715 [host=huxelrebe0] 162716 [host=huxelrebe0] 162717 !! flight 162717 no revisions or trees 162718 !! flight 162718 no revisions or trees 162719 !! flight 162719 no revisions or trees 162633 [host=albana1] 162696 pass irrelevant 162720 !! flight 162720 no revisions or trees 162660 !! flight 162660 no revisions or trees 162662 [host=albana1] 162664 !! flight 162664 no revisions or trees 167510 [host=albana1] 162666 [host=huxelrebe0] 167523 [host=huxelrebe0] 167532 [host=huxelrebe0] 167537 pass irrelevant 167540 [host=pinot1] 162669 !! flight 162669 no revisions or trees 167545 [host=albana1] 167550 [host=pinot1] 162670 [host=albana1] 167566 pass irrelevant 167573 [host=huxelrebe1] 162672 !! flight 162672 no revisions or trees 162673 [host=huxelrebe1] 162675 !! flight 162675 no revisions or trees 167581 [host=huxelrebe1] 167605 [host=albana1] 162678 [host=huxelrebe1] 167587 [host=huxelrebe0] 167593 [host=huxelrebe1] 167597 [host=huxelrebe0] 167603 [host=albana1] 167612 [host=albana1] 167618 [host=albana1] 167622 [host=albana1] 167630 [host=huxelrebe0] 167634 [host=fiano0] 167642 pass irrelevant 167649 pass irrelevant 167654 pass irrelevant 167677 pass irrelevant 167661 [host=huxelrebe1] 175624 [host=debina0] 167667 pass irrelevant 175635 pass c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e 167683 [host=albana1] 167692 [host=pinot1] 167695 [host=albana1] 167702 pass irrelevant 175651 [host=nobling1] 162679 [host=fiano1] 167709 [host=huxelrebe0] 162680 [host=fiano1] 162682 [host=fiano1] 162684 !! flight 162684 no revisions or trees 167736 [host=huxelrebe0] 167743 [host=fiano0] 162685 [host=huxelrebe1] 167749 [host=huxelrebe1] 162686 [host=huxelrebe0] 167755 pass irrelevant 162687 !! flight 162687 no revisions or trees 162688 !! flight 162688 no revisions or trees 167762 [host=huxelrebe0] 162689 [host=albana1] 167784 [host=albana1] 167790 [host=albana1] 162690 !! flight 162690 no revisions or trees 167796 [host=huxelrebe1] 162691 !! flight 162691 no revisions or trees 167802 [host=huxelrebe0] 162692 !! flight 162692 no revisions or trees 167806 [host=fiano0] 167808 [host=albana1] 162661 [host=huxelrebe0] 162693 !! flight 162693 no revisions or trees 167818 [host=pinot1] 162695 !! flight 162695 no revisions or trees 167944 [host=elbling1] 167851 pass irrelevant 167951 pass irrelevant 173920 [host=italia1] 167961 pass irrelevant 167906 [host=huxelrebe1] 167921 [host=elbling1] 167931 [host=chardonnay0] 167938 [host=elbling1] 167966 [host=chardonnay0] 167970 [host=chardonnay0] 168018 [host=huxelrebe0] 168027 [host=albana1] 168032 pass irrelevant 167978 [host=huxelrebe0] 167986 [host=huxelrebe1] 175671 [host=nobling1] 167990 pass irrelevant 168037 [host=huxelrebe0] 167994 [host=albana1] 168051 pass irrelevant 168055 pass irrelevant 168001 [host=huxelrebe1] 168064 [host=huxelrebe1] 168069 [host=huxelrebe1] 168075 [host=huxelrebe0] 175694 [host=italia0] 168008 [host=albana1] 168168 [host=huxelrebe0] 168111 pass irrelevant 168118 [host=albana1] 168124 [host=huxelrebe0] 168129 [host=huxelrebe0] 168173 pass irrelevant 168145 [host=albana1] 168157 [host=albana1] 168161 pass irrelevant 168241 [host=huxelrebe1] 168248 [host=elbling1] 168253 [host=albana1] 168257 [host=elbling1] 168294 [host=elbling1] 168310 [host=elbling1] 168328 [host=elbling0] 168349 [host=huxelrebe0] 168175 pass irrelevant 168369 [host=elbling0] 168182 pass irrelevant 175714 [host=nobling1] 168388 [host=elbling0] 168189 [host=albana1] 168398 [host=elbling0] 175720 [host=italia0] 168406 [host=elbling1] 168193 [host=albana1] 168417 [host=elbling1] 168198 [host=huxelrebe1] 168428 [host=huxelrebe0] 175726 [host=italia0] 174057 [host=nobling0] 168203 [host=huxelrebe1] 168448 [host=elbling0] 175734 pass c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e 168211 [host=albana1] 168460 [host=huxelrebe1] 168214 [host=huxelrebe0] 168220 [host=albana1] 168224 pass irrelevant 168470 [host=albana1] 168476 pass irrelevant 168491 [host=huxelrebe1] 168505 [host=fiano0] 168231 [host=huxelrebe0] 168516 pass irrelevant 168236 [host=huxelrebe1] 168604 [host=huxelrebe1] 168527 pass irrelevant 168545 [host=huxelrebe1] 168615 [host=huxelrebe0] 168573 pass irrelevant 168626 [host=elbling1] 168585 [host=pinot1] 168633 [host=elbling0] 168665 [host=elbling0] 168755 [host=elbling0] 168677 [host=elbling0] 168696 pass irrelevant 168704 [host=huxelrebe1] 175834 fail c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e 168716 [host=chardonnay0] 168722 [host=elbling0] 168763 [host=huxelrebe0] 174133 [host=nobling1] 168786 pass irrelevant 174165 [host=chardonnay1] 168737 pass irrelevant 168794 [host=fiano0] 168815 [host=huxelrebe0] 60810 [host=nocera1] 168825 [host=elbling1] 168833 [host=pinot1] 168855 pass irrelevant 168973 [host=huxelrebe0] 174210 [host=nobling1] 169003 pass irrelevant 175861 fail c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e 169063 [host=chardonnay0] 169106 pass irrelevant 169125 pass irrelevant 169137 [host=huxelrebe1] 174252 [host=nobling0] 169163 pass irrelevant 169172 [host=elbling1] 169189 [host=chardonnay1] 169205 [host=huxelrebe1] 169221 pass irrelevant 169233 [host=elbling1] 169251 [host=elbling1] 169264 pass irrelevant 169273 pass irrelevant 169292 [host=huxelrebe1] 169309 [host=elbling1] 174285 [host=nocera1] 169318 [host=pinot1] 169328 [host=albana1] 169348 [host=huxelrebe1] 169373 [host=pinot1] 169383 [host=nobling1] 169412 [host=nobling1] 169444 pass irrelevant 169472 [host=pinot1] 169499 [host=nobling1] 169528 [host=pinot0] 169541 pass irrelevant 169550 [host=elbling0] 169565 [host=pinot1] 169577 [host=elbling1] 169591 [host=nobling1] 174367 [host=italia1] 169608 [host=elbling1] 169624 [host=elbling1] 169635 [host=italia0] 169666 [host=pinot0] 169694 [host=huxelrebe1] 169723 [host=pinot1] 174435 [host=nobling0] 169756 [host=elbling1] 169775 [host=nobling1] 169798 [host=nobling1] 169819 pass irrelevant 169859 [host=albana1] 169888 [host=pinot0] 169912 [host=nobling1] 169929 [host=albana1] 169976 [host=albana1] 169990 [host=nobling1] 170014 [host=pinot1] 174499 [host=nobling0] 174526 [host=nobling0] 174534 [host=nobling0] 174538 [host=nobling1] 170071 [host=elbling1] 170133 [host=pinot0] 174542 [host=italia1] 174547 [host=nobling1] 170152 [host=huxelrebe1] 174563 [host=nobling0] 170164 [host=nobling1] 170179 [host=pinot1] 174574 [host=nobling1] 170192 [host=elbling1] 174586 pass irrelevant 170204 [host=albana1] 174597 [host=albana1] 170220 pass irrelevant 170232 [host=pinot1] 170281 [host=nobling1] 170293 [host=albana1] 174607 [host=albana1] 170307 [host=nobling1] 170314 [host=pinot0] 174629 [host=huxelrebe0] 174636 [host=huxelrebe0] 174641 [host=nobling1] 170343 [host=huxelrebe1] 174652 [host=huxelrebe0] 170370 [host=elbling0] 170385 pass irrelevant 170404 [host=albana1] 170434 [host=pinot1] 174663 [host=huxelrebe0] 174670 [host=italia1] 170465 [host=nobling1] 174682 [host=debina0] 174701 [host=italia1] 170492 [host=pinot0] 170503 [host=albana1] 170520 [host=pinot1] 170529 pass irrelevant 170545 [host=nobling1] 170563 [host=nobling1] 174724 pass irrelevant 170586 [host=elbling1] 174733 [host=nobling0] 174742 [host=debina0] 170606 [host=nobling1] 174747 pass irrelevant 174753 [host=nobling0] 174762 [host=huxelrebe0] 174769 [host=nocera0] 170647 [host=nobling1] 170657 [host=elbling1] 170712 [host=elbling0] 170720 [host=albana1] 174773 [host=nocera0] 170726 [host=nobling1] 170740 pass irrelevant 170747 pass irrelevant 170751 [host=nobling1] 174791 pass irrelevant 170758 [host=huxelrebe1] 174797 [host=nobling1] 170766 [host=huxelrebe1] 170772 [host=huxelrebe1] 174814 [host=nocera0] 170780 [host=pinot1] 170792 [host=nocera0] 170797 [host=albana1] 174819 [host=nobling1] 170801 [host=nobling1] 170806 [host=nobling1] 170813 [host=elbling1] 170823 pass irrelevant 170840 [host=nobling1] 170852 [host=nobling1] 170865 [host=albana1] 170877 [host=nocera0] 174826 [host=debina1] 170890 [host=albana1] 170897 [host=nobling1] 174843 [host=nobling0] 174854 [host=italia1] 170908 [host=nocera0] 170966 [host=huxelrebe1] 171137 [host=nobling1] 171144 pass irrelevant 171151 [host=albana1] 171157 [host=nobling1] 171174 [host=albana1] 171181 [host=pinot0] 171185 [host=huxelrebe1] 171219 [host=huxelrebe1] 171220 [host=huxelrebe1] 171223 [host=huxelrebe1] 171226 [host=huxelrebe1] 171227 [host=huxelrebe1] 171228 [host=huxelrebe1] 171229 [host=huxelrebe1] 171231 [host=huxelrebe1] 171232 [host=huxelrebe1] 171233 [host=huxelrebe1] 171234 [host=huxelrebe1] 171235 [host=huxelrebe1] 174865 [host=nobling0] 171237 [host=huxelrebe1] 171241 [host=huxelrebe1] 171242 [host=huxelrebe1] 171244 [host=huxelrebe1] 171245 [host=huxelrebe1] 171246 [host=huxelrebe1] 171248 [host=huxelrebe1] 171250 [host=huxelrebe1] 171210 [host=huxelrebe0] 171251 [host=huxelrebe1] 174874 [host=nobling1] 174881 [host=albana1] 171252 [host=huxelrebe1] 171276 [host=huxelrebe0] 171283 [host=albana1] 171295 [host=huxelrebe1] 171305 [host=nobling1] 171310 [host=pinot0] 171319 [host=nobling1] 171327 [host=nobling1] 171334 [host=nocera0] 171339 pass irrelevant 171349 pass irrelevant 171355 [host=nobling1] 171357 [host=nobling1] 171363 [host=nobling0] 171377 [host=nocera0] 171387 [host=nobling0] 171402 [host=albana1] 174930 [host=nobling0] 171415 [host=huxelrebe1] 171431 [host=nobling1] 171442 [host=nobling0] 171450 [host=huxelrebe0] 171455 pass irrelevant 171463 [host=nobling1] 171477 [host=nobling0] 171491 [host=nobling1] 171496 [host=nobling0] 174944 [host=nocera0] 174950 [host=huxelrebe0] 171538 [host=nobling0] 171545 [host=huxelrebe0] 174966 [host=huxelrebe1] 171552 [host=nobling0] 174972 [host=nobling1] 171560 [host=huxelrebe0] 171564 [host=nobling1] 171572 [host=nobling1] 171578 [host=nocera0] 171583 [host=nobling0] 171586 [host=nobling1] 171593 [host=fiano0] 171605 [host=albana1] 171619 [host=elbling0] 171627 [host=nocera0] 171636 [host=nobling1] 171643 pass irrelevant 171650 [host=nobling0] 171655 [host=nobling1] 171663 [host=italia1] 171666 pass irrelevant 174984 [host=nobling0] 171672 [host=huxelrebe0] 171678 [host=huxelrebe0] 174994 pass irrelevant 171686 [host=nobling0] 174999 [host=nobling1] 171702 [host=nobling1] 171695 pass irrelevant 171706 [host=italia1] 175009 [host=fiano1] 171712 [host=nobling1] 175021 [host=huxelrebe1] 171718 [host=nobling1] 171753 pass irrelevant 171772 [host=nocera0] 171789 [host=huxelrebe0] 175029 [host=italia1] 175031 [host=nocera0] 175037 pass irrelevant 175040 [host=huxelrebe0] 171823 [host=nobling0] 175044 pass irrelevant 175050 [host=debina0] 171848 [host=nobling1] 175055 [host=italia1] 175058 [host=nobling1] 171856 pass irrelevant 171859 [host=nobling1] 175062 [host=albana1] 171862 pass irrelevant 175066 [host=nobling0] 171873 [host=italia1] 175071 [host=huxelrebe1] 171887 [host=italia1] 171896 pass irrelevant 171910 [host=nocera0] 171933 [host=nocera0] 172698 [host=nobling1] 172709 [host=elbling0] 172720 [host=albana1] 172731 [host=nobling1] 172741 [host=nobling1] 172754 [host=nobling0] 171993 pass irrelevant 172058 [host=nobling1] 172073 [host=nobling0] 172081 [host=huxelrebe0] 172089 [host=italia1] 173054 [host=italia1] 173063 pass irrelevant 173073 [host=nobling1] 173093 pass irrelevant 173106 pass irrelevant 173116 [host=nobling1] 175083 [host=debina1] 172104 [host=nobling1] 175091 [host=nobling0] 172120 [host=italia1] 175104 [host=huxelrebe0] 172143 [host=nobling1] 172762 [host=italia1] 172772 [host=nobling1] 172781 pass irrelevant 172795 [host=nobling1] 172804 [host=nobling1] 172823 [host=huxelrebe0] 172157 pass irrelevant 175126 [host=nobling1] 175135 pass irrelevant 172184 pass irrelevant 175141 [host=albana1] 175144 [host=nobling1] 175148 [host=huxelrebe0] 175154 [host=debina1] 172210 [host=nobling1] 172238 [host=albana1] 173349 [host=nobling1] 173358 [host=nobling0] 173361 [host=huxelrebe0] 173379 [host=nobling0] 173394 [host=nobling1] 173398 [host=nobling1] 173402 [host=nobling1] 173412 pass irrelevant 175168 pass irrelevant 172262 [host=huxelrebe1] 175180 [host=italia1] 172287 [host=huxelrebe1] 175189 [host=huxelrebe1] 175208 [host=nocera0] 172841 [host=nobling0] 172861 [host=nobling0] 172882 pass irrelevant 172901 [host=nobling1] 172315 pass irrelevant 172329 [host=nobling1] 172342 [host=albana1] 172363 [host=huxelrebe0] 172374 [host=nobling0] 173126 [host=nobling0] 173144 [host=nobling1] 173162 [host=nobling1] 173184 [host=nobling1] 173197 [host=italia1] 172408 [host=pinot0] 175266 [host=huxelrebe1] 172442 [host=nobling1] 172910 [host=nobling0] 172925 [host=nobling1] 172948 [host=nocera1] 172972 [host=huxelrebe0] 172471 [host=italia1] 172502 [host=huxelrebe1] 175332 [host=albana1] 172529 [host=huxelrebe0] 173284 [host=nobling0] 173301 pass irrelevant 173306 pass irrelevant 173313 [host=nobling0] 173316 pass irrelevant 173322 [host=nobling0] 173327 pass irrelevant 173338 [host=nobling1] 172543 [host=nobling1] 172557 pass irrelevant 172575 [host=nobling0] 175354 [host=huxelrebe1] 172588 [host=nobling1] 175383 [host=huxelrebe0] 172604 [host=nobling0] 172993 [host=nobling0] 173013 pass irrelevant 173022 [host=nobling0] 173031 [host=nobling0] 173044 [host=nobling1] 172619 [host=nobling1] 175399 [host=albana1] 172632 [host=nobling0] 172645 [host=huxelrebe1] 172657 [host=nobling0] 172679 [host=huxelrebe0] 173207 [host=nobling1] 173227 [host=nobling1] 173245 [host=huxelrebe0] 173254 [host=huxelrebe0] 173258 [host=nobling1] 173259 [host=huxelrebe0] 173264 [host=nobling1] 173273 [host=huxelrebe0] 175446 [host=nobling1] 175460 [host=fiano0] 175470 [host=nobling0] 175480 [host=nobling1] 175489 [host=nobling0] 175495 pass c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e 175502 [host=italia1] 175511 [host=huxelrebe1] 173416 [host=huxelrebe0] 173422 [host=nobling1] 173430 [host=nobling0] 173436 pass irrelevant 173452 [host=nobling0] 173459 pass irrelevant 173477 [host=nobling0] 173466 [host=nobling0] 173482 [host=nocera1] 173488 [host=nocera1] 175517 [host=nobling0] 175520 [host=nobling0] 175526 [host=debina0] 175534 [host=italia1] 175541 [host=nobling1] 175554 [host=nobling0] 175562 [host=nobling1] 175569 pass c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e 175574 [host=debina0] 175575 [host=nobling1] 175576 [host=debina0] 175578 [host=debina0] 175580 [host=debina0] 175582 [host=albana1] 175584 [host=albana1] 175585 [host=albana1] 175573 [host=debina0] 173738 [host=italia1] 175586 [host=nobling1] 173663 [host=albana1] 64035 [host=nocera0] 64205 [host=pinot0] 64149 [host=nocera1] 76919 [host=pinot1] 64335 [host=nocera1] 64494 [host=pinot0] 64750 [host=chardonnay1] 64905 [host=pinot1] 64990 [host=rimava0] 65029 [host=chardonnay0] 65066 [host=nocera1] 65094 [host=chardonnay0] 65114 [host=huxelrebe1] 65141 [host=baroque1] 65164 [host=chardonnay1] 65186 [host=baroque1] 65217 [host=rimava0] 65233 [host=huxelrebe0] 65287 [host=huxelrebe1] 65314 [host=italia0] 65267 [host=italia0] 65372 [host=huxelrebe1] 65429 [host=pinot0] 65443 [host=italia0] 65635 [host=merlot1] 65791 [host=rimava1] 65748 [host=baroque1] 66307 [host=chardonnay0] 66391 [host=huxelrebe0] 66415 [host=nocera1] 66454 [host=baroque1] 66510 [host=chardonnay1] 66590 [host=chardonnay0] 66735 [host=baroque1] 66879 [host=baroque1] 67053 [host=chardonnay0] 60841 [host=nocera1] 60878 [host=nocera0] 60971 [host=nocera0] 61059 [host=nocera0] 61248 [host=nocera1] 61306 [host=nocera1] 61521 [host=nocera0] 61739 [host=nocera0] 61821 [host=nocera0] 62004 [host=nocera0] 62156 [host=nocera0] 62080 [host=nocera0] 77087 [host=italia0] 62265 [host=nocera1] 62322 [host=nocera1] 62416 [host=nocera0] 62583 [host=nocera0] 62500 [host=nocera1] 62646 [host=nocera1] 62711 [host=nocera1] 62733 [host=nocera1] 62835 [host=nocera1] 62946 [host=nocera0] 62938 [host=nocera0] 62968 [host=nocera1] 62956 [host=nocera1] 62990 [host=nocera1] 63004 [host=nocera0] 63024 [host=italia1] 63080 [host=nocera0] 63058 [host=nocera1] 63147 [host=italia1] 63540 [host=rimava1] 63211 [host=nocera1] 63375 [host=nocera1] 63343 [host=italia1] 63356 [host=nocera0] 63475 [host=nocera0] 63400 [host=nocera1] 78008 [host=rimava0] 63662 [host=nocera0] 63715 [host=fiano1] 77330 [host=huxelrebe1] 77892 [host=italia0] 77827 [host=pinot1] 77945 [host=huxelrebe1] 78129 [host=baroque1] 78210 [host=italia1] 78159 [host=huxelrebe0] 78272 [host=huxelrebe1] 78343 [host=chardonnay0] 78395 [host=pinot0] 78525 [host=merlot1] 79027 [host=italia0] 78610 [host=chardonnay0] 78703 [host=italia0] 79178 [host=italia0] 79108 [host=italia1] 79422 [host=rimava1] 79502 [host=huxelrebe0] 79988 [host=italia0] 79379 [host=italia1] 79622 [host=italia1] 79827 [host=rimava0] 80237 [host=rimava1] 80894 [host=huxelrebe0] 80434 [host=italia1] 80683 [host=chardonnay1] 81211 [host=huxelrebe0] 81620 [host=italia0] 82212 [host=italia0] 81888 [host=italia0] 82662 [host=italia1] 82516 [host=italia0] 83609 [host=fiano1] 82825 [host=italia1] 82962 [host=rimava1] 83007 [host=italia0] 83289 [host=italia0] 83726 [host=italia0] 83855 [host=rimava1] 84083 [host=italia1] 84610 [host=huxelrebe1] 84228 [host=baroque0] 84436 [host=fiano0] 84347 [host=baroque0] 84518 [host=huxelrebe1] 84928 [host=huxelrebe0] 85235 [host=fiano0] 85064 [host=rimava1] 85380 [host=huxelrebe0] 85628 [host=chardonnay0] 85533 [host=elbling0] 85673 [host=huxelrebe0] 85790 [host=huxelrebe0] 86132 [host=chardonnay0] 85850 [host=rimava0] 86059 [host=baroque0] 85924 [host=rimava0] 86183 [host=pinot0] 85995 [host=huxelrebe1] 86315 [host=baroque1] 86376 [host=elbling1] 86228 [host=elbling0] 86747 [host=huxelrebe0] 86491 [host=chardonnay1] 86560 [host=rimava0] 86819 [host=huxelrebe0] 87027 [host=huxelrebe0] 86901 [host=pinot1] 87461 [host=huxelrebe1] 87287 [host=huxelrebe0] 87625 [host=baroque0] 87551 [host=baroque0] 87908 [host=rimava1] 87820 [host=baroque0] 87739 [host=baroque0] 88235 [host=pinot0] 88047 [host=pinot1] 88468 [host=pinot1] 88347 [host=merlot0] 88698 [host=baroque1] 88588 [host=huxelrebe0] 89249 [host=baroque0] 88799 [host=elbling1] 91384 [host=fiano1] 89418 [host=baroque1] 91053 [host=pinot1] 91226 [host=baroque1] 91545 [host=nocera0] 91846 [host=nocera0] 91660 [host=elbling0] 91991 [host=nocera0] 92263 [host=pinot1] 92114 [host=nocera0] 92185 [host=pinot1] 92456 [host=elbling1] 92543 [host=baroque1] 92791 [host=baroque1] 92651 [host=huxelrebe0] 93001 [host=italia1] 93225 [host=huxelrebe0] 92925 [host=baroque1] 93256 [host=italia1] 93272 [host=huxelrebe0] 93296 [host=baroque0] 93364 [host=italia1] 93337 [host=italia0] 93381 [host=italia1] 93408 [host=baroque0] 93496 [host=huxelrebe0] 93515 [host=huxelrebe0] 93563 [host=baroque1] 93638 [host=fiano0] 93587 [host=baroque1] 93612 [host=elbling1] 93725 [host=baroque1] 93813 [host=elbling1] 94507 [host=baroque1] 93873 [host=fiano0] 93963 [host=rimava1] 93920 [host=pinot1] 94021 [host=merlot1] 94070 [host=huxelrebe0] 94442 [host=baroque0] 94461 [host=fiano0] 94495 [host=nocera0] 94487 [host=nocera0] 94616 [host=baroque1] 94639 [host=huxelrebe0] 94536 [host=baroque0] 94699 [host=elbling1] 94563 [host=elbling1] 94718 [host=huxelrebe0] 94740 [host=nocera0] 94730 [host=fiano0] 94746 [host=huxelrebe0] 94580 [host=pinot1] 94756 [host=baroque1] 94770 [host=nocera0] 94789 [host=fiano0] 94610 [host=baroque0] 94780 [host=baroque1] 94876 [host=huxelrebe1] 94802 [host=elbling1] 94852 [host=fiano1] 94959 [host=huxelrebe1] 95086 [host=baroque0] 95098 [host=huxelrebe0] 94895 [host=huxelrebe1] 95129 [host=huxelrebe0] 95135 [host=huxelrebe0] 95161 [host=huxelrebe0] 95136 [host=huxelrebe0] 95165 [host=huxelrebe0] 95139 [host=huxelrebe0] 94905 [host=pinot1] 95140 [host=huxelrebe0] 95167 [host=huxelrebe0] 95142 [host=huxelrebe0] 95169 [host=huxelrebe0] 95146 [host=huxelrebe0] 95170 [host=huxelrebe0] 94967 [host=baroque0] 95150 [host=huxelrebe0] 95151 [host=huxelrebe0] 95171 [host=huxelrebe0] 95153 [host=huxelrebe0] 95154 [host=huxelrebe0] 95156 [host=huxelrebe0] 95157 [host=huxelrebe0] 95281 [host=elbling1] 95158 [host=huxelrebe0] 95160 [host=huxelrebe0] 95174 [host=baroque0] 95203 [host=baroque0] 95222 [host=pinot1] 95309 [host=baroque1] 95242 [host=fiano1] 95353 [host=pinot1] 95543 [host=pinot1] 95469 [host=baroque0] 95801 [host=baroque0] 95980 [host=elbling0] 95921 [host=baroque1] 95872 [host=baroque1] 96009 [host=pinot1] 96049 [host=elbling1] 96079 [host=baroque0] 96125 [host=huxelrebe1] 96178 [host=huxelrebe1] 96207 [host=elbling1] 96351 [host=baroque0] 96234 [host=huxelrebe1] 96251 [host=elbling0] 96278 [host=elbling0] 96611 [host=baroque0] 96296 [host=baroque0] 96371 [host=elbling0] 96483 [host=huxelrebe1] 96505 [host=huxelrebe1] 96515 [host=fiano1] 96662 [host=elbling0] 96558 [host=baroque1] 96688 [host=elbling1] 96756 [host=huxelrebe1] 96712 [host=elbling1] 96779 [host=pinot1] 96769 [host=pinot1] 96739 [host=baroque1] 96815 [host=baroque1] 96795 [host=baroque0] 96845 [host=baroque1] 97275 [host=huxelrebe1] 96993 [host=huxelrebe1] 96893 [host=baroque1] 97285 [host=baroque1] 97410 [host=italia0] 97355 [host=baroque0] 97477 [host=italia1] 97709 [host=italia0] 97562 [host=nocera0] 97623 [host=nocera0] 97664 [host=fiano1] 99605 [host=elbling0] 97737 [host=baroque1] 99685 [host=elbling0] 99772 [host=italia0] 99719 [host=pinot0] 99864 [host=pinot0] 99835 [host=elbling0] 99878 [host=elbling1] 99959 [host=baroque0] 99886 [host=elbling0] 99891 [host=italia0] 99974 [host=huxelrebe1] 99893 [host=huxelrebe0] 99935 [host=baroque1] 99897 [host=nocera1] 99917 [host=baroque1] 99906 [host=chardonnay1] 99911 [host=huxelrebe0] 99928 [host=huxelrebe0] 99952 [host=baroque1] 99942 [host=baroque0] 100408 [host=nocera0] 100419 [host=pinot0] 100348 [host=baroque0] 100424 [host=baroque1] 100367 [host=italia0] 100431 [host=nocera0] 100395 [host=baroque0] 100481 [host=nocera1] 100361 [host=baroque0] 100466 [host=elbling0] 100377 [host=elbling0] 100488 [host=pinot0] 100544 [host=elbling0] 100551 [host=baroque1] 100470 [host=huxelrebe1] 100557 [host=baroque0] 100476 [host=huxelrebe1] 100607 [host=baroque0] 100622 [host=baroque0] 100501 [host=baroque1] 100585 [host=baroque0] 100565 [host=baroque0] 100492 [host=baroque0] 100569 [host=baroque0] 100539 [host=elbling0] 100574 [host=huxelrebe0] 100578 [host=baroque0] 100592 [host=baroque1] 100624 [host=baroque0] 100610 [host=baroque0] 100602 [host=baroque0] 100618 [host=baroque0] 100627 [host=baroque0] 100642 [host=baroque0] 100644 [host=huxelrebe1] 100655 [host=baroque0] 100657 [host=nocera0] 100650 [host=huxelrebe1] 100663 [host=nocera0] 100667 [host=baroque1] 100674 [host=pinot1] 100690 [host=huxelrebe0] 100681 [host=huxelrebe0] 100706 [host=pinot1] 100684 [host=baroque1] 100518 [host=baroque1] 100533 [host=huxelrebe0] 100734 [host=baroque0] 100537 [host=huxelrebe1] 100819 [host=nocera0] 100712 [host=nocera0] 100738 [host=baroque0] 100789 [host=pinot1] 100766 [host=baroque0] 100875 [host=huxelrebe0] 100751 [host=baroque0] 100844 [host=baroque1] 100773 [host=pinot1] 100803 [host=baroque0] 100883 [host=huxelrebe1] 100933 [host=huxelrebe0] 100954 [host=huxelrebe1] 100965 [host=nocera0] 100970 [host=nocera0] 100960 [host=nocera0] 100982 [host=baroque0] 100887 [host=huxelrebe1] 100973 [host=pinot0] 100994 [host=nocera0] 100992 [host=nocera0] 100884 [host=huxelrebe1] 100998 [host=nocera0] 101008 [host=nocera0] 100893 [host=huxelrebe0] 101012 [host=nocera0] 100902 [host=huxelrebe1] 101040 [host=huxelrebe1] 101020 [host=baroque0] 101086 [host=pinot0] 100944 [host=pinot0] 101069 [host=baroque0] 101102 [host=fiano1] 101148 [host=pinot0] 101116 [host=huxelrebe1] 101121 [host=pinot0] 101128 [host=nocera0] 101175 [host=huxelrebe1] 101154 [host=nocera0] 101131 [host=fiano1] 101159 [host=nocera0] 101141 [host=nocera0] 101164 [host=fiano1] 101300 [host=huxelrebe0] 101169 [host=nocera0] 101310 [host=pinot0] 101274 [host=huxelrebe1] 101324 [host=huxelrebe0] 101320 [host=huxelrebe0] 101215 [host=fiano1] 101332 [host=pinot0] 101339 [host=huxelrebe0] 101347 [host=huxelrebe0] 101355 [host=fiano1] 101364 [host=huxelrebe0] 101372 [host=huxelrebe0] 101379 [host=nocera0] 101383 [host=huxelrebe0] 101415 [host=huxelrebe0] 101396 [host=nobling0] 101429 [host=huxelrebe0] 101440 [host=fiano1] 101475 [host=pinot1] 101484 [host=nobling0] 101491 [host=pinot0] 101546 [host=baroque1] 101496 [host=huxelrebe1] 101533 [host=huxelrebe1] 101510 [host=nobling1] 101555 [host=nobling0] 101590 [host=baroque1] 101563 [host=chardonnay0] 101571 [host=baroque0] 101601 [host=baroque1] 101626 [host=baroque1] 101654 [host=baroque0] 101644 [host=huxelrebe0] 101182 [host=nocera0] 101673 [host=baroque1] 101698 [host=pinot0] 101780 [host=huxelrebe1] 101190 [host=nocera0] 101756 [host=huxelrebe0] 101209 [host=fiano1] 101818 [host=baroque1] 101202 [host=nocera0] 101219 [host=fiano1] 101726 [host=pinot0] 101225 [host=nocera0] 101228 [host=nocera0] 101792 [host=huxelrebe1] 101231 [host=fiano1] 101810 [host=huxelrebe0] 101235 [host=nocera0] 101823 [host=huxelrebe0] 101242 [host=nocera0] 101244 [host=nocera0] 101841 [host=pinot1] 101247 [host=nocera0] 101848 [host=baroque0] 101250 [host=nocera0] 101869 [host=chardonnay0] 101254 [host=huxelrebe0] 101905 [host=baroque0] 102045 [host=pinot0] 102097 [host=pinot1] 101934 [host=pinot1] 101952 [host=huxelrebe0] 101961 [host=chardonnay1] 102146 [host=elbling0] 102027 [host=baroque0] 102008 [host=baroque1] 101982 [host=baroque0] 102111 [host=baroque1] 102133 [host=elbling0] 102318 [host=huxelrebe1] 102187 [host=baroque1] 102201 [host=huxelrebe0] 102223 [host=nobling1] 102338 [host=nobling1] 102243 [host=nobling1] 102258 [host=pinot0] 102302 [host=baroque1] 102372 [host=baroque0] 102286 [host=baroque1] 102393 [host=nobling1] 102465 [host=nobling0] 102439 [host=baroque0] 102489 [host=huxelrebe1] 102408 [host=baroque0] 102500 [host=nobling0] 102522 [host=baroque0] 102648 [host=huxelrebe1] 102661 [host=chardonnay0] 102618 [host=nobling1] 102695 [host=nobling0] 102674 [host=huxelrebe1] 102668 [host=elbling0] 102720 [host=chardonnay1] 102792 [host=baroque0] 102704 [host=baroque1] 102735 [host=baroque1] 102942 [host=italia1] 102897 [host=baroque0] 103102 [host=fiano0] 103162 [host=italia1] 103220 [host=italia1] 102758 [host=huxelrebe1] 103394 [host=pinot0] 103313 [host=pinot0] 102843 [host=fiano1] 103466 [host=nobling0] 103803 [host=chardonnay1] 103540 [host=fiano0] 103659 [host=nobling0] 103840 [host=italia0] 103900 [host=fiano0] 103918 [host=huxelrebe1] 103933 [host=baroque1] 103877 [host=italia0] 103944 [host=baroque1] 104001 [host=baroque0] 103960 [host=huxelrebe1] 104008 [host=huxelrebe1] 103994 [host=baroque0] 103971 [host=huxelrebe1] 103975 [host=baroque1] 103999 [host=italia1] 104002 [host=italia0] 104119 [host=huxelrebe1] 104150 [host=baroque0] 103982 [host=huxelrebe1] 104136 [host=nobling0] 104126 [host=baroque0] 104003 [host=baroque0] 104146 [host=italia0] 104170 [host=huxelrebe1] 104162 [host=italia1] 104004 [host=baroque1] 104175 [host=italia0] 104181 [host=baroque0] 104015 [host=nocera0] 104030 [host=nobling0] 104197 [host=nobling0] 104022 [host=baroque1] 104202 [host=nobling0] 104223 [host=huxelrebe1] 104236 [host=baroque1] 104047 [host=nobling0] 104034 [host=nobling0] 104051 [host=nobling0] 104290 [host=nobling0] 104040 [host=baroque0] 104324 [host=huxelrebe1] 104056 [host=huxelrebe1] 104063 [host=huxelrebe0] 104069 [host=huxelrebe0] 104383 [host=baroque1] 104074 [host=italia1] 104513 [host=italia1] 104075 [host=nobling0] 104078 [host=baroque0] 104104 [host=italia1] 104084 [host=baroque1] 104572 [host=baroque0] 104131 [host=baroque1] 104614 [host=baroque1] 104090 [host=huxelrebe0] 104599 [host=huxelrebe1] 104094 [host=italia0] 104099 [host=nobling0] 104638 [host=baroque0] 104654 [host=italia0] 104743 [host=italia1] 104681 [host=baroque1] 104838 [host=nobling0] 104728 [host=nobling0] 104878 [host=italia0] 104924 [host=nobling0] 104981 [host=nobling0] 105080 [host=italia1] 105018 [host=italia1] 105113 [host=baroque0] 105331 [host=huxelrebe1] 105169 [host=baroque0] 105201 [host=baroque0] 105224 [host=nobling0] 105258 [host=baroque1] 105554 [host=huxelrebe1] 105576 [host=italia0] 105376 [host=baroque0] 105600 [host=baroque1] 105613 [host=baroque1] 105450 [host=huxelrebe1] 105640 [host=italia1] 105659 [host=huxelrebe1] 105619 [host=huxelrebe1] 105411 [host=huxelrebe1] 105669 [host=italia0] 105629 [host=huxelrebe1] 105707 [host=elbling1] 105728 [host=huxelrebe1] 105790 [host=elbling1] 105756 [host=italia1] 105896 [host=fiano0] 105742 [host=huxelrebe1] 105919 [host=fiano0] 105861 [host=chardonnay0] 105873 [host=baroque0] 105784 [host=baroque1] 105900 [host=baroque0] 105933 [host=elbling1] 105766 [host=huxelrebe1] 105946 [host=elbling1] 105804 [host=nobling0] 105966 [host=baroque0] 105821 [host=chardonnay0] 105840 [host=chardonnay1] 106122 [host=huxelrebe1] 105994 [host=baroque0] 106102 [host=huxelrebe1] 106081 [host=pinot0] 106138 [host=huxelrebe1] 106186 [host=baroque0] 106218 [host=pinot0] 106261 [host=baroque1] 106283 [host=pinot0] 106160 [host=baroque1] 106307 [host=baroque0] 106482 [host=fiano0] 106351 [host=baroque1] 106371 [host=baroque1] 106383 [host=rimava1] 106412 [host=italia0] 106435 [host=pinot0] 106469 [host=rimava0] 106504 [host=elbling1] 106593 [host=huxelrebe1] 106513 [host=fiano0] 106605 [host=baroque1] 106627 [host=huxelrebe0] 106652 [host=italia1] 106642 [host=baroque0] 106534 [host=italia0] 106698 [host=italia1] 106711 [host=elbling1] 106671 [host=italia1] 106584 [host=huxelrebe1] 106565 [host=huxelrebe0] 106724 [host=italia1] 106750 [host=huxelrebe1] 106561 [host=pinot0] 106758 [host=baroque1] 106765 [host=baroque1] 106831 [host=huxelrebe1] 106912 [host=italia0] 106802 [host=baroque1] 106812 [host=baroque0] 106786 [host=huxelrebe0] 106892 [host=huxelrebe0] 106796 [host=pinot1] 106923 [host=huxelrebe0] 106937 [host=baroque0] 106944 [host=huxelrebe0] 106928 [host=huxelrebe1] 106979 [host=elbling1] 106959 [host=baroque1] 106990 [host=baroque0] 107005 [host=italia0] 107015 [host=baroque1] 107069 [host=huxelrebe0] 107034 [host=elbling0] 107085 [host=baroque0] 107103 [host=rimava1] 107173 [host=italia1] 107138 [host=pinot1] 107160 [host=baroque1] 107191 [host=italia0] 107217 [host=elbling0] 107374 [host=pinot0] 107247 [host=elbling0] 107359 [host=italia1] 107438 [host=huxelrebe0] 107397 [host=baroque0] 107446 [host=fiano0] 107539 [host=merlot1] 107458 [host=huxelrebe1] 107481 [host=huxelrebe0] 107468 [host=huxelrebe0] 107528 [host=huxelrebe1] 107553 [host=pinot0] 107560 [host=italia1] 107490 [host=italia0] 107575 [host=baroque1] 107587 [host=italia0] 107603 [host=italia1] 107628 [host=chardonnay0] 107676 [host=pinot0] 107619 [host=baroque0] 107731 [host=italia0] 107635 [host=baroque1] 107642 [host=baroque0] 107840 [host=italia1] 107900 [host=baroque1] 107791 [host=baroque0] 108104 [host=pinot0] 107940 [host=baroque0] 108000 [host=italia0] 108038 [host=chardonnay0] 108139 [host=baroque0] 108068 [host=pinot0] 108185 [host=pinot0] 109091 [host=elbling1] 109060 [host=baroque1] 109112 [host=baroque1] 109009 [host=huxelrebe1] 109269 [host=italia1] 109136 [host=huxelrebe1] 109309 [host=huxelrebe1] 109165 [host=pinot0] 109350 [host=elbling1] 109186 [host=italia1] 109229 [host=pinot0] 109378 [host=elbling1] 109211 [host=italia0] 109245 [host=elbling1] 109527 [host=italia0] 109395 [host=baroque0] 109418 [host=baroque0] 109581 [host=fiano1] 109441 [host=pinot0] 109456 [host=pinot0] 109557 [host=chardonnay0] 109486 [host=baroque1] 109607 [host=nobling0] 109662 [host=italia0] 109764 [host=italia1] 109644 [host=pinot1] 109690 [host=huxelrebe1] 109813 [host=baroque0] 109726 [host=nobling1] 109679 [host=fiano1] 109790 [host=italia1] 109828 [host=huxelrebe1] 109747 [host=huxelrebe1] 109841 [host=nobling0] 109866 [host=nobling1] 110027 [host=nobling1] 109934 [host=nobling1] 110047 [host=elbling0] 109979 [host=italia1] 110000 [host=italia0] 110009 [host=nobling1] 110018 [host=nobling1] 110136 [host=huxelrebe0] 110186 [host=baroque1] 110262 [host=fiano0] 110071 [host=baroque0] 110102 [host=italia0] 110311 [host=rimava1] 110407 [host=nobling1] 110362 [host=baroque1] 110435 [host=italia0] 110384 [host=huxelrebe0] 110465 [host=italia1] 110484 [host=chardonnay0] 110556 [host=huxelrebe0] 110533 [host=italia1] 110544 [host=rimava0] 110510 [host=elbling0] 110910 [host=baroque1] 110961 [host=italia1] 110994 [host=fiano1] 111308 [host=italia1] 111083 [host=rimava0] 111136 [host=rimava0] 111168 [host=rimava0] 111368 [host=italia1] 111201 [host=fiano0] 111249 [host=huxelrebe0] 111389 [host=italia0] 111442 [host=italia1] 111377 [host=huxelrebe0] 111534 [host=huxelrebe0] 111506 [host=italia0] 111722 [host=rimava1] 111589 [host=nobling0] 111619 [host=fiano0] 111645 [host=nobling0] 111808 [host=baroque1] 111664 [host=nobling0] 111875 [host=rimava0] 111693 [host=rimava0] 111751 [host=pinot1] 111777 [host=huxelrebe0] 112065 [host=italia0] 111912 [host=italia1] 111981 [host=fiano1] 111957 [host=rimava1] 112098 [host=nobling1] 112004 [host=fiano1] 112143 [host=nobling0] 112274 [host=italia1] 112210 [host=nobling0] 113157 [host=baroque0] 112260 [host=huxelrebe0] 113170 [host=nobling1] 113358 [host=baroque1] 113209 [host=nobling1] 113387 [host=nobling1] 113266 [host=baroque0] 113331 [host=nobling0] 113487 [host=baroque1] 113460 [host=elbling1] 113430 [host=merlot1] 113602 [host=elbling1] 113524 [host=huxelrebe0] 113511 [host=fiano1] 113611 [host=huxelrebe0] 113562 [host=elbling1] 113656 [host=baroque1] 113543 [host=huxelrebe0] 113575 [host=baroque1] 113638 [host=huxelrebe0] 113582 [host=nobling1] 113618 [host=huxelrebe0] 113589 [host=nobling1] 113691 [host=rimava0] 113760 [host=fiano1] 113724 [host=rimava1] 113834 [host=baroque0] 113816 [host=nobling0] 113777 [host=nocera1] 113927 [host=nocera1] 113791 [host=rimava0] 113807 [host=rimava1] 113781 [host=rimava1] 113800 [host=elbling1] 113840 [host=baroque1] 113813 [host=nobling0] 113819 [host=rimava1] 113850 [host=baroque1] 113862 [host=baroque0] 113909 [host=baroque0] 114024 [host=baroque1] 114055 [host=rimava1] 114086 [host=huxelrebe0] 113916 [host=rimava0] 114114 [host=fiano1] 114204 [host=nobling1] 113874 [host=rimava0] 114169 [host=nobling1] 113899 [host=nobling0] 113922 [host=nobling1] 113933 [host=baroque0] 113940 [host=huxelrebe0] 114288 [host=rimava1] 113950 [host=elbling1] 113959 [host=fiano1] 114439 [host=baroque0] 113954 [host=nocera1] 113962 [host=elbling1] 113977 [host=huxelrebe0] 114357 [host=baroque1] 114003 [host=nobling0] 114525 [host=fiano0] 114498 [host=italia0] 114540 [host=baroque1] 114644 [host=rimava0] 114670 [host=italia0] 114747 [host=baroque0] 114808 [host=elbling0] 114836 [host=italia0] 115037 [host=nobling0] 115132 [host=italia0] 114972 [host=fiano1] 115163 [host=nobling0] 115272 [host=huxelrebe0] 115087 [host=nobling1] 115174 [host=nobling0] 115235 [host=nobling1] 115195 [host=baroque0] 115345 [host=baroque1] 115401 [host=baroque1] 115295 [host=italia1] 115314 [host=fiano0] 115331 [host=italia0] 115362 [host=baroque1] 115378 [host=huxelrebe0] 115419 [host=huxelrebe0] 115450 [host=nobling1] 115526 [host=nobling0] 115471 [host=baroque1] 115593 [host=rimava1] 115464 [host=baroque0] 115496 [host=baroque0] 115555 [host=nobling0] 115640 [host=chardonnay0] 115606 [host=chardonnay0] 115624 [host=huxelrebe0] 115654 [host=italia1] 115665 [host=huxelrebe0] 115730 [host=nobling0] 116108 [host=huxelrebe1] 116161 [host=huxelrebe0] 116132 [host=italia0] 116261 [host=fiano1] 116150 [host=chardonnay0] 116311 [host=fiano1] 116199 [host=italia1] 116337 [host=huxelrebe1] 116178 [host=italia0] 116518 [host=baroque0] 116214 [host=merlot0] 116224 [host=fiano0] 116542 [host=baroque1] 116571 [host=huxelrebe1] 116445 [host=fiano1] 116474 [host=huxelrebe1] 116497 [host=baroque0] 116642 [host=chardonnay1] 116722 [host=fiano1] 116692 [host=huxelrebe0] 116596 [host=italia1] 116744 [host=italia1] 116614 [host=huxelrebe1] 116929 [host=baroque1] 116779 [host=baroque1] 116809 [host=baroque1] 116952 [host=baroque0] 116891 [host=huxelrebe1] 117222 [host=italia0] 116857 [host=baroque0] 116832 [host=baroque1] 117167 [host=baroque1] 117258 [host=baroque0] 117311 [host=italia0] 117365 [host=baroque1] 117652 [host=italia0] 117122 [host=baroque1] 117520 [] 117759 [host=fiano0] 117920 [host=huxelrebe0] 117727 [host=huxelrebe1] 117790 [host=rimava0] 117951 [host=italia0] 118096 [host=italia0] 118107 [host=huxelrebe1] 118003 [host=huxelrebe0] 118078 [host=huxelrebe1] 118272 [host=huxelrebe1] 118281 [host=italia0] 118317 [host=huxelrebe0] 118230 [host=fiano0] 118174 [host=rimava0] 118296 [host=huxelrebe0] 118456 [host=pinot0] 118551 [host=elbling1] 118248 [host=huxelrebe0] 118353 [host=italia0] 118562 [host=baroque0] 118393 [host=huxelrebe1] 118582 [host=huxelrebe0] 118423 [host=chardonnay1] 118622 [host=pinot0] 118607 [host=italia0] 118534 [host=elbling1] 118594 [host=huxelrebe1] 118916 [host=huxelrebe0] 118698 [host=huxelrebe1] 118661 [host=italia0] 118802 [host=elbling1] 119072 [host=baroque0] 119023 [host=rimava0] 119592 [host=italia0] 119217 [host=italia1] 119358 [host=rimava0] 119451 [host=huxelrebe0] 119521 [host=chardonnay0] 119651 [host=huxelrebe0] 119785 [host=huxelrebe0] 119713 [host=italia0] 120001 [host=chardonnay1] 120076 [host=chardonnay1] 119970 [host=italia0] 119879 [host=huxelrebe1] 120037 [host=huxelrebe1] 120287 [host=huxelrebe1] 120189 [host=pinot1] 120120 [host=huxelrebe0] 120253 [host=chardonnay0] 120395 [host=huxelrebe1] 120396 [host=huxelrebe0] 120767 [host=huxelrebe1] 120386 [host=fiano0] 120356 [host=italia1] 120382 [host=elbling1] 120389 [host=chardonnay1] 120405 [host=chardonnay1] 120626 [host=italia1] 120943 [host=huxelrebe0] 120988 [host=chardonnay0] 121059 [host=huxelrebe0] 120859 [host=italia1] 121272 [host=italia1] 121307 [host=baroque0] 121322 [host=huxelrebe1] 121342 [host=baroque0] 121682 [host=italia0] 121721 [host=fiano0] 121404 [host=italia0] 121814 [host=italia1] 122043 [host=baroque0] 121974 [host=huxelrebe0] 122155 [host=baroque0] 122170 [host=huxelrebe0] 122104 [host=baroque1] 122237 [host=huxelrebe1] 122185 [host=huxelrebe1] 122129 [host=elbling0] 122280 [host=baroque1] 122451 [host=rimava0] 122294 [host=baroque0] 122332 [host=baroque1] 122493 [host=italia1] 122322 [host=italia1] 122343 [host=huxelrebe0] 122399 [host=huxelrebe0] 122363 [host=baroque1] 122529 [host=baroque1] 122804 [host=huxelrebe0] 122580 [host=huxelrebe0] 122968 [host=huxelrebe0] 122892 [host=chardonnay0] 123135 [host=fiano1] 123058 [host=joubertin1] 123197 [host=italia0] 123379 [host=italia0] 123238 [host=pinot1] 123280 [host=joubertin0] 123442 [host=joubertin1] 123323 [host=elbling1] 123670 [host=baroque1] 123569 [host=fiano1] 123932 [host=elbling0] 123874 [host=baroque1] 123994 [host=baroque1] 124090 [host=debina0] 124038 [host=italia0] 124057 [host=italia0] 124140 [host=joubertin1] 124170 pass irrelevant 124191 pass irrelevant 124372 [host=debina0] 124299 pass irrelevant 124225 [host=italia0] 124416 [host=italia0] 124566 [host=debina0] 124472 [host=italia0] 124911 pass irrelevant 124956 [host=italia0] 125012 pass irrelevant 125052 [host=elbling1] 125178 [host=joubertin1] 125152 [host=joubertin1] 125259 [host=joubertin1] 125533 pass irrelevant 125609 [host=joubertin1] 125573 [host=albana1] 125645 [host=albana1] 125652 [host=joubertin0] 125667 [host=chardonnay1] 125691 pass irrelevant 125912 [host=debina1] 126012 [host=debina1] 126346 [host=debina1] 126266 [host=elbling1] 126443 [host=fiano0] 126564 [host=fiano0] 126683 [host=debina0] 126854 [host=fiano0] 126778 [host=debina0] 126952 [host=fiano0] 127070 [host=elbling1] 127012 [host=italia0] 127123 [host=debina0] 127232 [host=baroque1] 127266 [host=debina1] 127280 [host=debina1] 127301 [host=italia0] 127350 [host=italia0] 127369 [host=albana1] 127407 [host=huxelrebe1] 127429 [host=huxelrebe1] 127489 [host=debina0] 127541 [host=huxelrebe1] 127504 [host=baroque1] 127520 [host=elbling1] 127595 [host=elbling0] 127894 [host=pinot0] 127956 [host=debina1] 127966 [host=huxelrebe1] 127997 [host=debina0] 128084 pass irrelevant 128033 [host=pinot0] 128118 pass irrelevant 128200 [host=elbling0] 128175 [host=pinot0] 128192 [host=huxelrebe1] 128188 [host=baroque1] 128195 [host=baroque1] 128199 [host=huxelrebe1] 128203 [host=debina1] 128240 [host=fiano0] 128267 [host=elbling1] 128281 [host=pinot0] 128314 [host=huxelrebe1] 128333 [host=debina0] 128354 [host=debina1] 128414 [host=joubertin0] 128445 [host=elbling1] 128523 [host=debina1] 128478 [host=debina1] 128464 [host=debina1] 128498 [host=debina0] 128614 pass irrelevant 128675 [host=debina1] 128775 pass irrelevant 128839 [host=debina0] 128897 [host=debina1] 128867 [host=debina0] 128922 [host=elbling1] 128949 [host=debina1] 129010 [host=baroque1] 128972 [host=huxelrebe0] 129074 [host=debina1] 129104 [host=huxelrebe0] 129138 [host=debina1] 129209 [host=huxelrebe0] 129278 [host=debina0] 129319 [host=pinot1] 129369 [host=pinot1] 129400 [host=debina0] 129426 [host=debina1] 129468 [host=debina1] 129581 [host=albana1] 129738 [host=debina0] 129817 pass irrelevant 130063 pass irrelevant 130825 [host=albana1] 130858 pass irrelevant 130985 [host=debina0] 130895 [host=joubertin0] 131065 pass irrelevant 131155 pass irrelevant 131198 [host=baroque1] 131233 [host=baroque1] 131282 [host=baroque1] 131308 [host=debina1] 131418 [host=baroque1] 131339 [host=debina1] 131412 !! flight 131412 no revisions or trees 131417 !! flight 131417 no revisions or trees 131407 [host=joubertin0] 131409 !! flight 131409 no revisions or trees 131411 !! flight 131411 no revisions or trees 131444 [host=italia0] 131423 [host=italia0] 131513 [host=huxelrebe0] 131483 [host=huxelrebe0] 131537 [host=baroque1] 131564 [host=huxelrebe0] 131648 [host=baroque1] 131583 [host=huxelrebe1] 131595 [host=huxelrebe1] 131618 [host=huxelrebe1] 131635 [host=debina0] 131660 [host=baroque1] 131670 pass irrelevant 131688 [host=debina0] 131742 [host=huxelrebe1] 131755 [host=debina0] 131744 [host=huxelrebe1] 131745 [host=debina0] 131746 [host=debina0] 131748 [host=huxelrebe0] 131720 pass irrelevant 131741 [host=huxelrebe1] 131736 [host=debina0] 131773 [host=debina0] 131837 [host=fiano0] 131960 [host=baroque1] 131973 [host=debina0] 132093 [host=italia0] 132007 pass irrelevant 132230 pass irrelevant 132380 pass irrelevant 132422 [host=joubertin0] 132457 [host=elbling1] 132544 [host=elbling1] 132478 [host=albana1] 132504 [host=baroque1] 132575 [host=pinot1] 132622 [host=italia0] 132759 [host=baroque1] 132683 [host=albana1] 132820 [host=baroque1] 132971 [host=elbling1] 132932 [host=albana1] 133282 [host=baroque1] 133461 [host=debina1] 133489 [host=albana1] 133517 [host=baroque1] 133561 [host=italia1] 133583 [host=baroque1] 133573 [host=italia0] 133609 [host=italia0] 133645 [host=chardonnay1] 133675 [host=italia0] 133696 [host=italia1] 133742 [host=rimava1] 133786 [host=rimava1] 133838 [host=debina1] 133864 [host=albana1] 133896 [host=albana1] 133920 [host=albana1] 133984 [host=albana1] 133957 [host=elbling1] 134007 [host=albana1] 134763 [host=debina1] 135003 pass irrelevant 134923 pass irrelevant 135106 pass irrelevant 135425 [host=albana1] 135481 [host=albana1] 135680 [host=pinot1] 135816 [host=albana1] 135931 [host=pinot0] 136034 [host=baroque1] 136156 pass irrelevant 136273 pass irrelevant 136440 [host=albana1] 136592 [host=albana1] 136751 [host=chardonnay0] 136894 [host=albana1] 136969 [host=pinot1] 137033 [host=italia1] 137003 [host=albana1] 137115 pass irrelevant 137093 [host=albana1] 137178 pass irrelevant 137274 [host=chardonnay1] 137378 pass irrelevant 137468 [host=albana1] 137572 [host=albana1] 137724 [host=italia1] 137670 [host=albana1] 137851 [host=albana1] 137917 [host=italia1] 138040 [host=albana1] 138207 [host=albana1] 138348 pass irrelevant 138441 [host=albana1] 138562 [host=chardonnay1] 138599 [host=baroque1] 138622 [host=albana1] 138645 pass irrelevant 138666 [host=albana1] 138692 [host=chardonnay0] 138745 [host=fiano1] 138717 [host=italia0] 138769 [host=chardonnay0] 138807 pass irrelevant 138826 [host=albana1] 138915 [host=baroque1] 138868 [host=chardonnay0] 138892 pass irrelevant 138948 [host=albana1] 138986 [host=baroque1] 139010 [host=italia0] 139069 [host=albana1] 139032 [host=albana1] 139104 [host=albana1] 139133 pass irrelevant 139169 [host=chardonnay1] 139194 pass irrelevant 139225 pass irrelevant 139239 [host=baroque1] 139259 [host=albana1] 139292 pass irrelevant 139326 pass irrelevant 139310 [host=baroque1] 139342 pass irrelevant 139364 [host=baroque1] 139385 [host=baroque1] 139412 pass irrelevant 139484 [host=albana1] 139539 [host=debina0] 139513 pass irrelevant 139563 [host=chardonnay0] 139589 [host=debina0] 139621 [host=debina0] 139649 [host=elbling1] 139670 [host=albana1] 139691 [host=huxelrebe1] 139714 [host=huxelrebe1] 139740 [host=huxelrebe1] 139819 [host=fiano1] 139775 [host=huxelrebe1] 139850 [host=baroque1] 139876 [host=baroque1] 139952 [host=albana1] 139915 [host=huxelrebe1] 140048 [host=chardonnay0] 140007 [host=elbling1] 140117 [host=huxelrebe1] 140088 [host=italia0] 140145 [host=huxelrebe1] 140168 [host=huxelrebe0] 140192 [host=huxelrebe1] 140255 [host=huxelrebe1] 140221 [host=debina0] 140390 [host=elbling1] 140442 [host=rimava1] 140486 [host=huxelrebe0] 140532 [host=albana1] 140574 [host=huxelrebe0] 140603 [host=huxelrebe0] 140627 [host=huxelrebe0] 140645 [host=italia0] 140730 [host=debina0] 140677 [host=huxelrebe1] 140780 [host=italia0] 140841 [host=debina0] 140915 [host=huxelrebe1] 140886 [host=italia0] 140939 [host=huxelrebe1] 140960 [host=albana1] 140985 [host=huxelrebe0] 141013 [host=huxelrebe1] 141053 [host=huxelrebe0] 141083 [host=fiano0] 141236 [host=huxelrebe0] 141192 [host=fiano0] 141215 [host=huxelrebe0] 141252 [host=italia0] 141276 [host=albana1] 141309 [host=fiano0] 141376 [host=huxelrebe0] 141459 [host=italia0] 141430 [host=huxelrebe0] 141495 [host=huxelrebe1] 141573 [host=italia0] 141691 [host=italia0] 141630 [host=huxelrebe0] 141822 [host=fiano0] 141750 [host=huxelrebe1] 141882 [host=huxelrebe0] 141919 [host=pinot1] 141959 [host=huxelrebe0] 141990 [host=huxelrebe0] 142066 [host=huxelrebe0] 142148 [host=huxelrebe0] 142150 [host=huxelrebe0] 142153 [host=baroque0] 142155 [host=huxelrebe0] 142119 [host=debina0] 142156 [host=huxelrebe1] 142158 [host=huxelrebe0] 142249 pass irrelevant 142221 [host=debina0] 142286 pass irrelevant 142359 pass irrelevant 142327 [host=pinot1] 142383 [host=italia0] 142417 [host=fiano1] 142462 [host=baroque0] 142518 pass irrelevant 142563 [host=baroque0] 142598 [host=huxelrebe1] 142642 [host=huxelrebe1] 142683 [host=huxelrebe1] 142722 [host=huxelrebe1] 142777 [host=baroque0] 142750 [host=huxelrebe0] 142939 [host=baroque0] 142908 [host=debina1] 142865 [host=huxelrebe0] 142944 [host=italia0] 142952 [host=albana1] 142907 [host=debina1] 142955 [host=albana1] 142960 [host=italia0] 142973 [host=huxelrebe0] 143018 [host=elbling0] 143036 [host=huxelrebe0] 143133 [host=italia0] 143250 [host=debina0] 143172 [host=fiano1] 143205 [host=huxelrebe0] 143288 [host=debina0] 143437 [host=fiano1] 143360 [host=elbling0] 143563 [host=debina1] 143715 pass irrelevant 143895 pass irrelevant 143937 [host=albana1] 143985 [host=huxelrebe0] 144001 pass irrelevant 143967 [host=huxelrebe0] 144020 [host=huxelrebe0] 144042 [host=huxelrebe0] 144067 [host=elbling1] 144091 [host=debina1] 144149 [host=huxelrebe0] 144124 [host=huxelrebe0] 144162 [host=huxelrebe1] 144171 [host=huxelrebe0] 144180 [host=huxelrebe1] 144189 [host=huxelrebe0] 144211 [host=huxelrebe0] 144245 [host=huxelrebe0] 144193 [host=elbling0] 144232 [host=huxelrebe0] 144199 [host=elbling0] 144205 [host=huxelrebe0] 144222 [host=huxelrebe0] 144239 [host=baroque0] 144252 [host=huxelrebe1] 144264 [host=huxelrebe0] 144276 [host=elbling0] 144283 [host=huxelrebe0] 144289 [host=huxelrebe0] 144295 [host=huxelrebe1] 144301 [host=baroque0] 144313 [host=baroque0] 144349 [host=baroque0] 144323 [host=huxelrebe1] 144344 [host=huxelrebe0] 144358 [host=baroque0] 144377 [host=huxelrebe0] 144409 [host=albana1] 144450 [host=albana1] 144422 [host=albana1] 144471 [host=elbling0] 144484 [host=elbling0] 144497 [host=elbling0] 144503 [host=italia0] 144512 pass irrelevant 144520 pass irrelevant 144522 [host=huxelrebe0] 144525 [host=baroque0] 144574 pass irrelevant 144552 [host=albana1] 144613 [host=elbling1] 144588 [host=huxelrebe0] 144619 [host=elbling1] 144631 [host=baroque0] 144668 [host=huxelrebe1] 144686 [host=italia0] 144712 [host=huxelrebe1] 144747 [host=albana1] 144813 [host=huxelrebe1] 144804 [host=albana1] 144776 [host=albana1] 144827 [host=huxelrebe1] 144850 [host=albana1] 144878 [host=albana1] 144887 [host=huxelrebe1] 144924 pass irrelevant 144905 [host=albana1] 144990 [host=italia0] 144936 [host=pinot1] 144959 [host=albana1] 144972 [host=huxelrebe1] 145058 [host=italia0] 145025 [host=italia0] 145071 [host=italia0] 145088 [host=huxelrebe0] 145107 pass irrelevant 145168 [host=huxelrebe0] 145153 [host=huxelrebe0] 145136 [host=huxelrebe1] 145121 [host=elbling1] 145216 [host=huxelrebe0] 145185 [host=huxelrebe0] 145202 pass irrelevant 145237 [host=elbling1] 145251 [host=elbling1] 145279 pass irrelevant 145264 [host=huxelrebe0] 145295 [host=huxelrebe0] 145321 [host=huxelrebe0] 145307 [host=huxelrebe0] 145362 pass irrelevant 145347 [host=huxelrebe0] 145334 [host=huxelrebe0] 145407 pass irrelevant 145377 pass irrelevant 145393 [host=huxelrebe1] 145419 [host=huxelrebe1] 145431 pass irrelevant 145497 [host=huxelrebe1] 145455 [host=albana1] 145443 pass irrelevant 145467 [host=huxelrebe1] 145481 [host=huxelrebe0] 145523 pass irrelevant 145509 [host=italia0] 145586 [host=elbling1] 145538 [host=italia0] 145650 [host=elbling1] 145691 [host=albana1] 145725 [host=italia0] 145749 [host=italia0] 145773 [host=italia0] 145796 [host=albana1] 145826 [host=italia0] 145851 [host=albana1] 145879 [host=huxelrebe0] 145903 [host=italia0] 145955 [host=italia0] 146006 [host=huxelrebe0] 145982 pass irrelevant 146030 [host=elbling1] 146018 [host=italia0] 146039 [host=huxelrebe1] 146050 [host=huxelrebe1] 146094 [host=pinot1] 146205 [host=italia0] 146119 [host=pinot1] 146176 [host=pinot0] 146221 [host=italia0] 146257 [host=italia0] 146286 [host=pinot1] 146340 [host=huxelrebe0] 146408 [host=huxelrebe1] 146319 pass irrelevant 146350 [host=debina1] 146365 [host=pinot0] 146379 [host=pinot0] 146393 [host=albana1] 146419 [host=huxelrebe1] 146471 [host=albana1] 146445 [host=albana1] 146492 [host=huxelrebe0] 146484 [host=italia0] 146505 [host=elbling1] 146514 [host=albana1] 146526 [host=italia0] 146534 [host=italia0] 146543 [host=italia0] 146578 [host=debina1] 146555 [host=italia0] 146625 [host=debina1] 146563 [host=huxelrebe1] 146600 [host=italia0] 146611 [host=debina1] 146584 [host=pinot1] 146640 [host=albana1] 146633 [host=italia0] 146651 [host=pinot1] 146668 fail irrelevant 146706 [host=huxelrebe1] 146676 pass irrelevant 146757 pass irrelevant 146726 [host=italia0] 146690 [host=italia0] 146712 [host=italia0] 146751 [host=elbling1] 146732 [host=italia0] 146740 [host=albana1] 146777 [host=albana1] 146769 [host=italia0] 146787 [host=rimava1] 146796 [host=huxelrebe0] 146848 [host=pinot0] 146839 [host=pinot1] 146896 [host=rimava1] 147022 [host=pinot0] 146936 [host=elbling1] 147069 [host=pinot0] 147140 [host=fiano0] 147221 [host=chardonnay1] 147298 [host=chardonnay1] 147458 [host=chardonnay1] 147392 [host=debina1] 147522 [host=chardonnay1] 147600 pass irrelevant 147683 pass irrelevant 147735 pass irrelevant 147816 [host=italia0] 147881 [host=debina1] 148098 [host=albana1] 148033 [host=albana1] 148160 [host=italia0] 148236 [host=chardonnay1] 148419 [host=elbling0] 148479 [host=italia0] 148539 [host=italia0] 148611 [host=rimava1] 148571 [host=italia0] 148591 [host=italia0] 148636 [host=huxelrebe1] 148656 [host=albana1] 148685 [host=albana1] 148715 [host=huxelrebe1] 148758 [host=huxelrebe1] 148779 [host=huxelrebe1] 148804 [host=italia0] 148826 [host=italia0] 148873 [host=albana1] 148925 [host=huxelrebe1] 148980 [host=elbling1] 149029 [host=debina1] 149068 [host=albana1] 149121 [host=rimava1] 149151 [host=albana1] 149188 [host=huxelrebe1] 149231 [host=elbling1] 149260 [host=huxelrebe1] 149297 [host=italia0] 149335 [host=italia0] 149378 [host=italia0] 149406 [host=italia0] 149431 [host=italia0] 149451 [host=albana1] 149478 pass irrelevant 149502 [host=debina1] 149565 [host=chardonnay1] 149520 [host=chardonnay1] 149547 [host=italia0] 149642 [host=huxelrebe0] 149619 [host=fiano1] 149627 [host=italia0] 149605 [host=albana1] 149634 [host=huxelrebe0] 149648 [host=albana1] 149689 [host=italia0] 149667 [host=fiano1] 149695 [host=huxelrebe0] 149705 [host=italia0] 149741 [host=elbling1] 149771 [host=albana1] 149726 [host=pinot0] 149752 [host=albana1] 149770 [host=albana1] 149774 [host=albana1] 149775 [host=albana1] 149776 [host=albana1] 149777 [host=albana1] 149783 [host=huxelrebe1] 149792 [host=albana1] 149816 [host=fiano1] 149824 [host=huxelrebe1] 149829 [host=italia0] 149831 [host=italia0] 149842 [host=huxelrebe0] 149835 [host=huxelrebe0] 149871 [host=huxelrebe0] 149889 [host=italia0] 149865 [host=fiano0] 149908 [host=huxelrebe1] 149900 [host=huxelrebe0] 149892 [host=albana1] 149881 [host=italia0] 149896 [host=huxelrebe1] 150048 [host=fiano1] 150084 [host=italia0] 150119 [host=italia0] 150067 [host=huxelrebe0] 150100 [host=italia0] 150135 [host=italia0] 150128 [host=huxelrebe0] 150150 [host=albana1] 150142 [host=chardonnay0] 150154 [host=huxelrebe0] 150164 [host=huxelrebe1] 150169 pass irrelevant 150223 [host=huxelrebe1] 150192 [host=elbling0] 150179 [host=chardonnay1] 150227 [host=chardonnay1] 150212 [host=albana1] 150238 [host=italia0] 150220 [host=albana1] 150234 pass irrelevant 150247 [host=huxelrebe1] 150279 pass irrelevant 150267 [host=italia0] 150285 pass irrelevant 150326 [host=italia0] 150346 [host=huxelrebe1] 150315 [host=albana1] 150336 [host=huxelrebe0] 150341 [host=huxelrebe0] 150355 [host=chardonnay0] 150358 [host=albana1] 150370 [host=huxelrebe0] 150378 [host=huxelrebe0] 150389 [host=huxelrebe0] 150394 pass irrelevant 150414 [host=chardonnay1] 150444 [host=albana1] 150477 [host=italia0] 150529 [host=chardonnay1] 150551 [host=albana1] 150589 [host=huxelrebe0] 150609 [host=huxelrebe1] 150635 pass irrelevant 150900 [host=italia0] 150869 [host=albana1] 150897 [host=elbling0] 150933 [host=albana1] 150928 [host=huxelrebe1] 150963 [host=fiano1] 151021 [host=albana1] 151051 pass irrelevant 151118 [host=huxelrebe1] 151073 [host=chardonnay0] 151155 [host=huxelrebe0] 151181 [host=huxelrebe1] 151224 [host=elbling1] 151245 [host=huxelrebe1] 151273 [host=huxelrebe0] 151311 [host=huxelrebe0] 151290 [host=huxelrebe0] 151334 [host=huxelrebe1] 151358 [host=elbling1] 151402 [host=albana1] Searching for interesting versions *** Not reproducible - supposed basis pass *** Could not reproduce problem, or could not reproduce basis pass. Inconsistent test results; at this revision (supposed basis pass): c4972a4272690384b15d5706f2a833aed636895e flight 175635 (blessed real) result pass flight 175734 (blessed real) result pass flight 175834 (blessed real) result fail flight 175861 (blessed real) result fail flight 175495 (blessed real) result pass flight 175569 (blessed real) result pass Revision graph left in /home/logs/results/bisect/xen-unstable/build-i386-prev.xen-build.{dot,ps,png,html,svg}. No revision to test.
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