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Re: OS.*

On 16/08/2013 12:42, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
The OS module is best thought of as analogous to the Cohttp.IO
functor.  It's the minimal support needed for building portable
applications that might run on several backends.

In the longer-term, it makes complete sense to break up OS into a set
of functors rather than the current pack hack, and to get Mirari to
instantiate the application by applying the correct backend.

However, the Xen-specific OS functions can and should be pulled out
from OS, leaving only the portable aliases (e.g. OS.Time) that*use*
the Xen functions but also have an implementation under UNIX.
Unfortunately Xs can't be pulled out because only one instance of Xs can 
be ever instanciated (We don't support connection multiplexing to the 
I think it might well be time to resurrect the Javascript backend
just to give us a clearly different third (and a day or two's work,
so not too complex) target that will never be compatible with Xen.
I'll take a shot at this when back in Cambridge next week.


  • Follow-Ups:
  • References:
    • OS.*
      • From: Vincent Bernardoff
    • Re: OS.*
      • From: Anil Madhavapeddy



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