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Re: Running OCaml scripts from the command line

I have never tried it myself, but this looks like what you want:

What I have also seen people do is split their terminal window (using screen 
for example), with a interactive shell + vim.

Let me know how it works!

~ Sebastian

On 28 Feb 2012, at 22:00, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:

> Out of interest, do you guys have any way of running a shell inside vim,
> so I can run a top-level directly as a vim pane? I would find that most
> useful, but I lack the vim-fu.  I used to use an external patch for this
> about 5 years ago, but it seems to have disappeared and not been
> integrated.
> -anil
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 06:15:15PM +0100, Raphael Proust wrote:
>> Also, if you consider using the toplevel. I'd recommend either rlwrap
>> or ledit so as to have edit-line capabilities (historic of typed
>> lines) or if you are on the emacs side of the war I hear the toplevel
>> integration is nice.
>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Raphael Proust <raphlalou@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Sebastian Probst Eide
>>> <sebastian.probst.eide@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Dear OCamlers.
>>>> I am doing some quick and dirty OCamling, and while coding would like to
>>>> execute my code in the toplevel, rather than first compiling it and then
>>>> running my compiled binary.
>>>> if I have a file called test1.ml, for which the following works fine:
>>>> ocaml test1.ml
>>> On my machine this does not execute in the top level. That merely runs the 
>>> code
>>> in the file(1) and exits.
>>> Consider the sh session:
>>> raphael ~ $ cat toto.ml
>>> print_endline "blah"
>>> raphael ~ $ ocaml toto.ml
>>> blah
>>> raphael ~ $ ocaml
>>> ?? ?? ?? ??Objective Caml version 3.12.0
>>> # #use "toto.ml" ;;
>>> blah
>>> - : unit = ()
>>> #
>>> Running "in the top level" is achieved by the #use primitive. (Also, 
>>> toplevel
>>> has two meaning in OCaml: a toplevel definition is a definition not nested 
>>> under
>>> any scope and *the* toplevel is the interactive read-compile-execute-print
>>> loop.)
>>>> But, now, if test1.ml uses the Test2 module (in test2.ml), I get a module
>>>> missing exception. I get around this with:
>>>> ocaml test2.ml test1.ml
>>>> but when supplying both test2 and test1 to the ocaml toplevel, absolutely 
>>>> no
>>>> code is executed at all.
>>> That is not true. The code in test2.ml is executed (or at least it is on my
>>> machine):
>>> raphael ~ $ cat tata.ml
>>> print_endline "fooooooooooo"
>>> raphael ~ $ ocaml toto.ml tata.ml
>>> blah
>>> And also consider:
>>> raphael ~ $ ocaml
>>> ?? ?? ?? ??Objective Caml version 3.12.0
>>> # #use "toto.ml" ;;
>>> blah
>>> - : unit = ()
>>> # #use "tata.ml" ;;
>>> fooooooooooo
>>> - : unit = ()
>>> #
>>>> I have tried to use the -I flag to add the current directory to the search
>>>> path (which it should be by default?), but without any luck.
>>>> I haven't had any luck with ocamlfind either, and ocamlfind seems to be for
>>>> finding third party libraries, rather than other modules within the same
>>>> project?
>>> You can try ocamlbuild. If your project is simple enough it will make a 
>>> binary
>>> out of anything.
>>> To build a native executable out of the test1.ml, just type:
>>> $ ocamlbuild test1.native
>>> (replace by test1.byte for the slower but more portable bytecode version.)
>>> It should figure out the dependencies if they are in the same directory and 
>>> give
>>> you a nice executable.
>>>> I hope I am missing something trivial here.
>>> $ echo "Module Test2 = struct" > one_file.ml
>>> $ cat test2.ml >>one_file.ml
>>> $ echo "end" >>one_file.ml
>>> $ cat test1.ml >>one_file.ml
>>> $ ocaml one_file.ml
>>> This is quick and dirty. Don't use it.
>>> (1) what it really does is compile the content to byte-code and runs it in 
>>> the
>>> ocaml VM. Code is not interpreted.
>>>> Thank you, and have a great afternoon!
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Sebastian
>>> --
>>> _______
>>> Raphael
>> -- 
>> _______
>> Raphael
> -- 
> Anil Madhavapeddy                                 http://anil.recoil.org



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