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RE: [Xen-users] New Install Planning

<ray@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

That sounds great. I am not very familiar with debian. Can you suggest 'whatever you need ssh etc'.
Quite literally "whatever **you** need". If you want to log in 
remotely via SSH then you need to install an ssh server 
(openssh-server) and so on. If you untick all the install options 
when prompted, you get a fairly clean and minimal system - you will 
almost certainly want to install some additional packages to suit 
your requirements.
One further tip. Do **not** use the "network-script" option to 
configure your bridges. Debain now has very simple to use tools to 
create bridge(s) and attach NIC(s) to them. There have been numerous 
threads on this subject lately.
My preference is to give my interfaces sensible names (eg pethint, 
pethext vs eth0, eth1) via /etc/udev/rules.d.p70-persistent-net-rules
And then create bridges with sensible names (eg ethint vs br0 or xenbr0).
It makes it a lot simpler remembering what everything is connected to.

Simon Hobson

Visit http://www.magpiesnestpublishing.co.uk/ for books by acclaimed
author Gladys Hobson. Novels - poetry - short stories - ideal as
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