This is a fresh, un-f#$ked-with OpenSUSE install after adding the Tumbleweed repository and doing a dup. I installed the Hypervisor with Tools for which it prompted me for Xen or QEMU and I chose Xen. No bridge was made.
When I go to create a fully virtualised machine, it nao has the error:
Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Could not find the bridge, and none was specified.
The bit in the config file says:
# SuSE users note: # On openSUSE >= 11.1 and SLES >= 11, networks should be configured using # native platform tool - YaST. vif-bridge and qemu-ifup can be used to
# connect vifs to the YaST-managed networks. #(network-script network-bridge)
So... how exactly is YaST supposed to do this...? I don't have to re-install OpenSUSE for the 5th time on the same machine?
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