Re: [Xen-users] Custom kernel XEN
2011/5/25 Karol Chmurzyński <chmuri@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi there.
> For First i just wanted to say hello to all mega minds XEN experts:).
> I have a little problem with XEN kernel. I have cloud computing and in this
> architecture we use XEN wirtualization.
Spending a little time for a simple spell-check would help others
understand your question better.
> I wanted to have a custom debian
> based kernel witch fallowing modules tun imq ipv6 qos ipip iptables
I assume this is for dom0 kernel?
> (full). Its there a way to download a Kernel patched XEN on debian and then
> make the coustom one?
You should really ask Debian list/forum for this.
The general method to download source in Debian/Ubuntu would be
"apt-get source ..."
Or go to debian's package page (something like
http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64) and
download the sources from there.
> Or i have to make a normal one and then patch it?
Possible, but often harder.
You'll need to start with dom0-enabled kernel, then add whatever
Debian-specific patches you might need, then add whatever extra patch
you may need. Each patch might introduce a conflict, which might be
hard for a noob to fix.
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