Dear all:
I met a problem recently.
I am using Xen to build my virtual network, and vlan ID is used to seprate different virtual networks. At first I built the network bridge with a physical network device with vlan as its port directly. Then my virtual host could send and recieve normal packets while these packets are encapsulated in vlan ethernet frames once they come into physical links. However, there is an upper bond for the number of network bridges in domain 0. My solution is moving the vlan ID from the network bridge to vif-birdge, which could reduce the need for network bridge. As introduced in the manual that "Each domain network interface is connected to a virtual network interface in dom0 by a point to point link", I want to add a vlan ID to this virtual network interface in dom0. But the difficulty is that I can't find where the virtual network interface in dom0 is built
in the program. Could anyone be kind to help me?
Yours: hubery