RE: [Xen-API] Frequent I/O error of HTTP server and memory error on XenS
My best guess is that the "Thread.create: Cannot allocate memory" means that
there's insufficient virtual address space in the process to allocate a 10MiB
thread stack. I suspect this is being caused by there being too many threads
(approx 300 is the max)
Since xapi currently uses a thread per connection model there are probably too
many open connections -- could you describe the software which is using the
apache xmlrpc client? Is it possible that someone is opening connections but
not closing them quickly enough?
If you install gdb and attach it to the running (child -- the big one) xapi
process it'll tell you how many threads are present and allow you to examine
the stacks of each one ('thread apply all bt') -- it should be easy to spot
where the threads are blocked (e.g. in a network recv or perhaps on a
At some point in future we'll have to switch to a different threading model and
make the connection handling more robust. In the meantime we have to be a bit
careful about connection cleanup :/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xen-api-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:xen-api-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Frank
> Sent: 13 January 2011 22:14
> To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Xen-API] Frequent I/O error of HTTP server and memory error
> on XenServer5.6 FP1
> Hi,
> I am using XenServer5.6 FP1 GA release with openvswitch as network
> backend. When I create VM through xapi, "apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException:
> I/O error" happens very frequently. At meanwhile my xencenter lost
> connection to hosts.
> Another thing is when I tried to kill VMs from xencenter, it
> complains "Internal error:Sys_error("Thread.create: Cannot allocate
> memory")", see attached picture.
> does anyone meet similar errors?
> Thank you.
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