Re: [Xen-users] DomU stuck in boot
Sorry my reply formatting got messed up, reposting with it fixed.
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 4:31 AM, Thomas Graves <tgraves@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>I am running xen-3.3.1 with rhel5.3 dom0.
>>I have a rhel5.3 domU that is stuck in the boot process. It seems it is
>> trying to bring up the network. We see this problem only occassionally.
> So it's not login console not displayed, only something that happens
> occasionally?
Right, I’ve seen it happen 3 times in the past month or so. It will start to boot and I can see the console up to the the line ( Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]) and then the console stops and it never gets to the login prompt and the network isn’t up yet so I can’t get into it.
>> It has been stuck for a few days now. I did a dump-core on it and it seems
>> to be doing network start -> ifup-eth ifcfg-eth0 boot -> ip link set dev
>> eth0 up -> hypercall. I'm somewhat assuming it made the hypercall but never
>> got the event back but I'm not sure as I'm new to this. Does anyone have a
>> good pointers on how exactly hypercalls work or any info on looking at
>> event-channels? Any ideas why it might be stuck?
> I never had this problem, but here's several things you might want to try:
> - udate your OS. RHEL 5.5. is out already. At least update your kernel-xen rpm.
> - update your Xen version. Xen 3.4.2 (the easy way is from Gitco) has
> been quite stable for me. If you want to try latest version, you could
> also test Xen 4.0
I actually just upgraded a box to rhel5.4 and xen3.4.2 so I’ll try it there to see if I see it but since it doesn’t happen very often probably won’t know for sure for a while.
Any pointers on good reads on debugging the events or ring buffers? Like how to map xenstore info to something useful to look at:
tx-ring-ref = "768"
rx-ring-ref = "769"
event-channel = "14"
Thanks again
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