I've recently changed my xen network setup and now, almost expectedly, my configuration has broken access to the Domus from the network, and now I need a little help.
Previously, I had four interfaces, only one of which was configured to be used by both dom0 and domu. I have since created a bond between eth2 and eth3, expecting that eth0 would be automatically assigned for use with domu, which it did, but in the process brought down and destroyed the bond0 which broke my access to the dom0. I have since set (network-script 'network-bridge netdev=eth0') in the xen config, expecting that it should leave my bond0 alone. I have remove the configuration for eth0 in my interfaces file. Now the bond0 has been left alone and gets created without issue, eth0 seems to come up, the bridge gets created and everything looks good, but the domus cannot access the network. What am I missing? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
user@dom0 $ brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
eth0 8000.00151786c36c no peth0
vif1.0 vif10.0 vif2.0
vif3.0 vif4.0 vif5.0
vif6.0 vif7.0 vif8.0
user@dom0 $ grep -v "\#\|^$" /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp (logfile /var/log/xen/xend.log) (network-script 'network-bridge netdev=eth0') (vif-script vif-bridge) (dom0-min-mem 1024)
(dom0-cpus 0) (vncpasswd '') user@dom0 $ grep -v "\#\|^$" /etc/network/interfaces auto lo bond0 iface lo inet loopback iface bond0 inet static
address 10.x.x.10 netmask broadcast 10.x.x.255
gateway 10.x.x.1 slaves eth2 eth3 user@dom0 $ uname -a Linux srv1 2.6.26-2-xen-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 10 00:29:48 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
user@dom0 $ cat /etc/debian_version 5.0.4
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