Re: [Xen-users] a suggestion for those creating any documentation for xe
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Fajar A. Nugraha <fajar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I searched this message on net.I am using x86_64 bit of CentOS 5.5
>> So it might be a possibility that QEMU is reporting is 32 bit CPU.
>> Now let me know if some one has some suggestion to let me try this out.
> Not sure. Never really played with qemu before.
>> I do not have a GUI running on the remote server where I have to
>> install CentOS and have never used virt-manager so just wanted to know
>> does virt-manager require and GUI.
> virt-manager requires some x libraries, but it doesn't require GUI to
> be running on the server. You can easily use X forwarding over ssh.
> You could also use virt-install directly to start text-based
> installation with a command similar to this
> virt-install -p --nographics --name=centos -r 1024 --disk
> path=/z/test/centos.img,size=5 --network bridge=br129
> --location=http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/5/os/x86_64/
> start by using file-based images first (virt-install will
> automatically create the file when using a command line similar to the
> above) to eliminate any possible LVM-related errors. You'd need to
> adjust path and bridge to your system.
Ok thanks for this suggestion I have bookmarked this thread.You gave
some important points.
I have uploaded a few snapshots
Will be creating some new threads for the same once this process is up
and running I will create a wiki page because I have faced enormous
Right now going with image based methods not LVM ones.
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