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Re: [Xen-users] vga passthrough status / probability of success?

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] vga passthrough status / probability of success?
From: Ady Deac <ady@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 08:45:43 +0300
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Hi Jeremy,

Jeremy Blosser wrote:
On Apr 06, Ady Deac [ady@xxxxxxxxxxx] wrote:
Hi Jeremy,

I am not doing HVM. Actually, I'm not sure if it will work with that. I am simply doing paravirtualization. It's all I need, actually.
So you're just doing pv pci passthrough with graphics and it's working
fine with acceleration/etc.?
Yeap! Easy, isn't it?

What hardware do you have failing?
Drives and boards in old home server equipment.  Building a new one,
shopping for parts that get to what I want.
Oh, sorry to hear that.

I'd suggest you get at least a VT enabled CPU (check out AMD's CPUs, they all have that enabled by default). If the computer is going to run 24/7, I'd suggest you go for a greener CPU. I've checked a lot of benchmarks and found out that Intels will be greener and cooler and most competitive when it comes to performance. But those are pricey when it comes to VT. Therefore, I'd stick with the 65W AMD Phenom II 905e.
I'm not sure how the mobo will affect Xen's features, therefore I 
recommend you ask the guys here?

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Deac Mihai-Adrian

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