I'm new to Xen and... Happy New Year!
[55082.616234] __ratelimit: 1503 messages suppressed
[55082.616234] clocksource/0: Time went backwards: ret=380ab26c53a
which is basically changing clocksource to "jiffies".
Now the problem has gone away, I'm wondering if somebody can help me:
1. Is domain-0 not able to set the system time of domain-u the root cause?
I can see this error in console "Unable to set System Clock to: <a datetime value>",
even after I changed clocksource to "jiffies".
2. Why can't domain-0 set the date of the domain-u?
3. If this is the only way to go (using jiffies clocksource), I will have to sync
the domain-u system time manually using something like ntpd?