[Xen-users] RE: Xen Cloud Platform, Lost VMs
Hi Vern,
If you can discover the VDI uuids (using 'xe vdi-list' or looking at the VHD
filenames) then you can (for each VHD/VM)
* create a new blank VM
# VM=$(xe vm-install template='Other install media' new-name-label=foo)
* reattach the VDI to the VM using
# xe vbd-create vm-uuid=$VM vdi-uuid=... device=0
* restart the VM
# xe vm-start uuid=$VM
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vern Burke [mailto:vburke@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 28 December 2009 23:16
> To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Dave Scott
> Subject: Xen Cloud Platform, Lost VMs
> Boy, when I hose myself, I do a good job of it.
> In the process of juggling machines around in the resource pool, I'v
> managed to lose most of the machines from the VM list. The VHDs are
> still in the storage repository, can I recover/reattach the VHDs to
> bring the VMs back?
> --
> Vern Burke
> SwiftWater Telecom
> http://www.swiftwatertel.com
> ISP/CLEC Engineering Services
> Data Center Services
> Remote Backup Services
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