On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Olivier LAMBERT
<lambert.olivier@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> Each time I try to install GPLPV drivers on a Windows 2008 Server 64
> bits, I've got a BSOD "0x0000007b".
> I follow this :
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenWindowsGplPv/Installing
That page seriously needs updating :P
> bcdedit /enum /v <-- note the guid string next to
> "identifier" under "Windows Boot Loader"
> bcdedit /copy {string from above} /d "Microsoft Windows Server
> 2008 GPLPV" <-- change description to whatever suits you and note
> the new guid that gets printed as a result
> bcdedit /set {new guid from above} LOADOPTIONS "GPLPV"
You don't need it now. However I recommend that you add a NOGPLPV
entry instead so you can disable GPLPV driver when needed.
> And on the first reboot, I boot on the "normal" (not Windows 2008 with
> option GPLPV).
> And after few seconds (when it loads xenpci.sys), I've got the BSOD.
See this thread first
In your case, you could probably enter safe mode, uninstall GPLPV, and
retry installation using the above method.
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