Re: [Xen-users] Two v.3.4.1 downloads
On 08/26/2009 10:32 AM Bruce Edge wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 6:58 AM, ken<gebser@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> At <http://www.xen.org/download/> there are two downloads for v.3.4.1
>> and only a very brief description of each:
>> Xen 3.4.1 (hypervisor and tools) official source distribution
> This is the xen tools source.
>> and
>> Linux 2.6.18 with Xen 3.4.x support source tarball
> This is the patched linux kernel.
>> What's the difference? The implication is that the first is *not* Linux.
> Both of these need to be dropped into an already installed linux distro.
I'm guessing, then, that the xen tools source needs to be compiled.
And the patched linux kernel (of the "support source tarball") needs
also to be compiled and then replaces the kernel that came with whatever
distro I'm using, yes?
Does it show that I'm a noob at xen?
> A lot of Xenites use Centos, but it's not required.
Haven't tried CentOS yet, but have heard good about it. It uses RPMs,
right? I'd like to use Fedora (just for the RedHat name really), but
have heard they make it a pain to get their packages. Corroboration,
> -Bruce
Thanks, Bruce.
>> TIA.
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