Re: [Xen-users] Getting Windows 2003 to run in multiple cores ???
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Madhu Venugopal
(vmadhu)<vmadhu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> My configuration file has explicit acpi=1 & apic=1.
> But during installation I remember following a step which suggested
> setting these values to 0.
It was a suggested setting a long time. Last time I check though, it
was the number of cpus that matter. One vcpu would yield better I/O
throughput (whether the HAL is standard or ACPI) compared to two
vcpus. This was with 0.9.x GPLPV series though, so current performance
might have improved.
> Maybe that is the root-cause of the issue
> that am seeing now.
Somewhat. Standard PC HAL can only use 1 cpu/core. You need to change
the HAL to ACPI first.
> Will try to look for the info to switch to a different HAL.
> In the meantime it would be great if you can point me to any
> solid/proven
> documentation to do the same .
I've been able to use multiple CPUs but not multiple core. Let us know
if you got it working.
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