> I'm trying to install lenny guest image (in an img file) on my lenny Dom0 by following the
> xm create -c xm-debian.cfg install=true install-mirror=
ftp://ftp.XX.debian.org/debian> i created the xen-lenny-image.img using dd, format is ext3. disk is defined as (cfg file):
> disk = ['tap:aio:/xen/images/xen-lenny-image.img,xvda,w']
> once i start the installation everything looks good until the point where installation process asks to specify disk driver?
> which driver to use as guest image is a file? i would assume some generic driver like
virtio_blk but it didn't work (installation won't proceed).
> am i missing something?
change tap:aio: to file: then debian installer can find the disk
I think I initially specified that but it didn't work for me? Finally I configured xen-tools.conf and used
xen-create-image to create the image
and it worked. Once I checked vm config file id did actually have:file:/home/xen/domains/test-vm/swap.img,sda1,w','file:/home/xen/domains/test-vm/disk.img,sda2,w'Thanks all for your help!