Hello everybody, I apologize, but my English is
very little. I have a problem that needs solving.
I have a hard disc with "Xen-Server 4.0.1", and two
250GB hard disks with a VM on each disc, the hard disk 1 has a linux VM and hard
disk 2 has a windows VM.
We wanted to try the "Xen-Server 5", so I took the
disk with the version 4.0.1 and set another hard disk with "Xen-Server 5".
Of the two hard disks having VMs 4.0.1, we are
using the disk 2, so we wanted to allocate a new storage unit from version 5 to
the disc 1, but was mistakenly assigned to disk 2, and now that put back the
hard disk with XenServer 4.0.1 can not access.
The command that was used is as
xe sr-create type=lvm content-type=user
name-label="Disco 250GB Nro 2"
Just did that. we need to come back to the Vm of
the disc 2 from xen-server 4.0.1
If someone can give me a hand, I will be greatly
Greetings ...