Re: [Xen-users] Mount shared block-device: Iscsi? Or GNBD? Or CLVM? Or
I'm on the same situation than you... That's why now I learning about OpenSolaris 2008.11 and its ZFS file system... its awesome!
My dom0 is Debian Lenny with packaged Xen, my partitions are: /dev/sda1 256M on /boot and /dev/sda2 2G on /root;
My first domU is OpenSolaris 2008.11 controlling all the rest of the disc (498G of my /dev/sda3);
So now I'm learning in how to share via ZFS native commands, my POOL to any other Linux domUs thats lives in another hypervisores on the network...
If you like it, help me! I'm totally newbie with Solaris... but maybe my idea is good!
I'm even thinking about enabling OpenSolaris 2008.11 as dom0 to enjoy the ZFS! But this is still only a possibility.
Regards, Thiago
2009/3/4 Rustedt, Florian <Florian.Rustedt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello list,
I "just" want to mount a drbd-partition on both sides in primary-primary.
Doing this brings up drbd with a disconnect while migrating a VM telling me "drbd0: split-brain detected: disconneting".
So far so good...
Now, what i DON'T want is some kind of file-based images, like sparse-files on ocfs2 or GFS. I want directly mount the blockdevice on both sides, so i need some kind of locking mechanism for shared mounted block devices!
AFAIK this can be done with ISCSI or GNBD or CLVM or perhaps EVMS?
But what will REALLY do the trick? All of them?
Aim is, that i never can get parallel write-access on the block-devices and that performance is ok.
Any recommondations?
Kind regards, Florian
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