Re: [Xen-users] Performance of network block devices (iSCSI)
On 14/11/08, Javier Guerra wrote:
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 5:58 PM, Simon Hobson <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've deliberately not put the iSCSI initiator in Dom0 as I want to run the
absolute minimum in Dom0. Also, putting the iSCSI initiator in Dom0 makes it
harder to move a VM to another host - having it in the DomU means that the
VM can be moved without any config changes.
you should really try that. the different nature of net- and
block-devices means that there are a lot less context switches per MB
transferred, and the point of acknowledging makes a huge difference in
latency sensibility.
OK, I've *finally* managed to scrounge another box to do some testing
on. I've setup open-iscsi in Dom0 and performance seems to be a lot
better - I'm getting about 20MB/s and the backup server isn't sat on
99% wio :-)
I have another question though ...
on this page http://wiki.debian.org/iSCSI/open-iscsi it says :
You can then mount the new device, but under most situation, you
will want to use LABEL= syntax in /etc/fstab (see e2label).
I assume this is because the device name can change across restarts.
Since I'm not mounting the volume in Dom0, just passing it to the
guest in a "disk = [ 'phy:v ..." line, any suggestions on the best
way to deal with this ?
Simon Hobson
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