Re: [Xen-users] Funny output from virsh vncdisplay
Mike O'Brien wrote:
"virsh vncdisplay <dom-id> " is supposed to deliver both the IP
address and the console number of a virtual console, suitable for use
by a VNC client. However, on a Fedora 9 domU running on a CentOS 5.2
dom0, I get this:
# virsh vncdisplay Fedora9
This isn't exactly helpful. Any ideas what's wrong?
Mike O'Brien
Xen-users mailing list
in virsh.c (in libvirt), it omits the ip address if it is either not
present, not in the right format, or all 0s:
if ((obj == NULL) || (obj->type != XPATH_STRING) ||
(obj->stringval == NULL) || (obj->stringval[0] == 0) ||
STREQ((const char*)obj->stringval, "")) {
vshPrint(ctl, ":%d\n", port-5900);
} else {
vshPrint(ctl, "%s:%d\n", (const char *)obj->stringval, port-5900);
since you are either on the hypervisor calling virsh, or passing a
correct ip address to virsh -c (?), the IP should be known. (you are
aware that the vnc server is running on the hypervisor and not the
guest, yes?)
- jonathan
Xen-users mailing list