There is a huge bug in Xen that it is a pain in the neck to solve. In a
production scenario, I set all DomUs to avoid using proc 0 (reserved for
Dom0 exclusively). This is done, only, by using this trick
Xm list --long NameOfDomU > NameOfDomU.sxp
Edit NameOfDomu.sxp and add (cpus 1-X) after the vcpus line.
Xm del NameOfDomU
Xm new -F NameOfDomU.sxp
The problem is that if you reboot the server, and Xen brings up all the VM's
listed in /etc/xen/auto, all this work is lost, it does not get preserved
between reboots. If you have a large amount of DomU's, you need to create
your own starup script that basically goes over the list of DomU's and does
a "xm new -F name.sxp". Xen should preserve those changes automatically
between reboots.
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