Re: [Xen-users] hvmloader was not built
Quoting Ingo Rauner <irauner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I tried to build the Xen 3.3.0 source distribution on a Debian
GNU/Linux 4.0 r4a (AMD64). There were no errors reported during build
process or installation. But I am not able to create any HVMs because
the hvmloader is missing.
Hello Ingo,
To build windows you need Dev86src-0.16.17.tar.gz and then you need to
cd to the
/<xenDirectory>/tools/firmware/ and run make to build the hvmloader
for building winxp. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/robert.debath/dev86/
I would go into the XenSourceDirectory first and 'cd' to the
../tools/firmware/ directory and run make, you might already have the
Dev86src installed.
Hope that helps,
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