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Re: [Xen-users] RAM issue

Quoting Arpan Jindal <jindalarpan@xxxxxxxxx>:

no i dont need it at all..
what is the minimum survive with i need to run 20 vm under it ....
and how i can decrease it

In your /boot/grub/menu.lst file of your dom0, you will see a line  
similar to the one below, notice how I have told dom0 it is only going  
to get 512M of RAM. I am not sure if you could just say 512M after the  
'=' sign, this is how I have always done it. To get this number you  
would multiply whatever RAM value by 1024.
I am not sure what a good value for dom0 would be. I use 512MB because  
I have installed a minimal OS using just what I need for a base system  
and just what I need for Xen. I am not sure how fat distros like  
CentOS or Fedora or the debian type systems are. Do they install a  
desktop environment for dom0? I don't know.

256MB     256*1024=262144
512MB     512*1024=524288
9GB       9216*1024=9437184  ;)

kernel /boot/xen-3.2gz dom0_mem=524288


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