RE: [Xen-users] install error: No module ehci-hcd found for kernel 2.6.1
You used the
right command. "--builtin" means this module is already in kernel. So doesn't
need to search it in /lib/module/`uname -n`, when execute
mkinitrd will
default search and build modules, which is named in /etc/modprobe.conf .
You can find ehci-hcd in that file. It is why your original mkinitrd failed.
That file is generated when you installed your Dom0 OS. Your default Dom0
OS put those driver as modules. But Xen already build them into kernel. It is
the small conflicted place.
Best Regards,
Yongkang You
I solved it.
I used the command "mkinitrd -v -f --builtin=ehci-hcd --with=aacraid
--with=sd_mod --with=scsi_mod /boot/initrd-2.6.16-xen0.img".
However, I used the same method with other modules(ohci-hcd,uhci-hcd). Are
there no such modules in and thus I should build them into the using "--builtin="?
thank you very much.
2008/9/10 Yuming fang <fangyuming.leo@xxxxxxxxx>
Thank you for your reply.
After mkinitrd command? what does this mean? Could you give a example of
this command?
I added "ehci-hcd" module when I used the command "make
linux-2.6-xen0-config CONFIGMODE=menuconfig KERNELS="linux-2.6-xen0" to
configure it. However, it still had the same error.
2008/9/10 You, Yongkang <yongkang.you@xxxxxxxxx>
Try to add "--buildin ehci-hcd"
after your mkinitrd command.
Best Regards,
Yongkang You
Hi, everyone,
When I installed the Xen3.3, I encountered a error: No module ehci-hcd
found for kernel, aborting.
This error came up when I used the command "mkinitrd -v -f --with=aacraid
--with=sd_mod --with=scsi_mod /boot/initrd-2.6.16-xen0.img".
At first, I thought it might be the problem that I did not include the
"ehci-hcd" module in buildin Kernel. However, when I used the command "make
linux-2.6-xen0-config CONFIGMODE=menuconfig KERNELS="linux-2.6-xen0" and
included this module(Device driver->USB support->EHCI HCD USB 2.0
support) in Kernel, the error information was still " No module
ehci-hcd found for kernel, aborting."
It seems that the error is not related with the module in buildin
Kernel(this could configure in menuconfig). So could anyone tell me the
cause of this error?
Thanks. Leo
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