Dustin Henning wrote on Mon, 4 Aug 2008 16:01:25 -0400:
> I run F8 with the F8 Xen, and when I shut down, a python
> error/incompatibility (I think) causes the xendomains service to stop
> without shutting down the domUs (when xendomains is stopped on a properly
> functioning system, it will shut them down or kill them one at a time based
> on the config).
I didn't think about xendomains. I just restarted it on a machine with one
guest, result:
service xendomains restart
Shutting down Xen domains: news(save)../etc/init.d/xendomains: line 280:
2455 Terminated watchdog_xm save
/etc/init.d/xendomains: line 318: 2455 Terminated watchdog_xm
Restoring Xen domains: news.
Starting auto Xen domains: news(skip)
- domU didn't go down, that's actually not so bad.
service xendomains stop
Shutting down Xen domains: news(save)../etc/init.d/xendomains: line 280:
2927 Terminated watchdog_xm save
/etc/init.d/xendomains: line 318: 2927 Terminated watchdog_xm
Xendomains seems to save and restore the domain. It does that no matter of
the domain in in /etc/xen/auto or not. At least if there is no reboot of the
machine in-between. I'm not so sure about what happens if the machine gets
rebooted. In the past (without a /etc/xen/auto link) sometimes I found it got
started, sometimes not.
I would rather prefer that it shuts down completely and gracefully, but that
it at least saves the VM is better than nothing.
This is without the domain being "xen managed". Is there any difference if it
is "xen managed" (you start with "xm start" instead of "create")?
Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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