Newbie Question:
We are using RHEL 5.2 with the 2.6.18-92.1.6.el5xen kernel.
I am trying to follow instructions that I found to create an bootable image by
doing the following:
I first created a 10 gig file and formatted the partition
using the dd and mkfs.ext3 commands:
dd if=/dev/zero if=generic.img bs=1024k count=10000
mkfs.ext3 -t ext3 generic.img
From a working image that I shut down I then copied the
directories into the file:
mount –o loop generic.img /mnt/generic
cp –ax /mnt/image1/{root,dev,var,etc,usr,bin,sbin,lib}
mkdir /mnt/generic/{proc,sys,home,tmp}
I copied image1s config file and called it generic and then
tried to start it up but I get a message that the virDomainCreate() failed POST
operations failed: (xend.err Error creating domain:bootloader didn’t
return any data!)
I am guessing that I have missed a few steps in the
process. Would someone please point them out?