Hi all,
I'm trying to bring up a guest OS on Linux with Xen. I
have booted the PC with Dom 0 in the partition /dev/hdc2 (Size 10 GB).
I have created a separate partition /dev/hdc3 (size 10 GB)
and replicated the Dom 0 directories in this partition and changed the
/etc/fstab in /dev/hda3 (/mnt - have mounted this partition (/dev/hdc3) in /mnt
) as
ext3 defaults 1 1
(sda1 -> because have specified this in the guest os configuration file)
I have unmounted /dev/hdc3 (/mnt) before booting the guest
OS. ( ! )
The Guest OS configuration file looks like
kernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-53.el5xen" –
this image in same as Dom 0.
memory = 64
vif = [ '' ]
disk = [ 'phy:hdc3,sda1,w' ]
root = "/dev/sda1 ro"
extra = "4 debug"
When I ran this configuration file for booting guest OS
using - xm create myvmconf vmid=1, I'm getting the following errors:
XENBUS: Device with no driver: device/vbd/257
XENBUS: Device with no driver: device/vif/0
md: Autodetecting RAID arrays.
md: autorun ...
md: ... autorun DONE.
VFS: Cannot open root device
"sda1" or unknown-block(0,0)
Please append a correct "root="
boot option
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to
mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
The Xend log shows
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] INFO (image:136) buildDomain
os=linux dom=95 vcpus=1
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (image:201)
domid = 95
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (image:202)
memsize = 64
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (image:203)
image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-53.el5xen
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (image:204)
store_evtchn = 1
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (image:205)
console_evtchn = 2
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (image:206)
cmdline = root=/dev/sda1 ro 4
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (image:207)
ramdisk =
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (image:208)
vcpus = 1
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (image:209)
features =
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:110)
DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '257', 'device-type': 'disk',
'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend':
'/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/95/257'} to /local/domain/95/device/vbd/257.
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:112)
DevController: writing {'domain': 'VirtualMachine1', 'frontend':
'/local/domain/95/device/vbd/257', 'dev': 'sda1', 'state': '1', 'params':
'hdc3', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '95', 'type': 'phy'} to
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:110)
DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:5b:c1:84', 'handle': '0', 'protocol':
'x86_32-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend':
'/local/domain/0/backend/vif/95/0'} to /local/domain/95/device/vif/0.
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:112)
DevController: writing {'domain': 'VirtualMachine1', 'handle': '0', 'script':
'/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend':
'/local/domain/95/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:5b:c1:84', 'online': '1',
'frontend-id': '95'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/95/0.
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 2404] DEBUG
(XendDomainInfo:756) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid':
'6cfaa5d1-5a71-09b4-a888-39912a79565f', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time':
'1213105937.65', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'VirtualMachine1',
'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '64',
'on_crash': 'destroy', 'image': "(linux (kernel
/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-53.el5xen) (root '/dev/sda1 ro') (args '4 debug'))",
'maxmem': '64'}
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 2404] DEBUG
(XendDomainInfo:791) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '100635',
'console/port': '2', 'name': 'VirtualMachine1', 'console/limit': '1048576',
'vm': '/vm/6cfaa5d1-5a71-09b4-a888-39912a79565f', 'domid': '95',
'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '65536', 'store/ring-ref':
'100636', 'store/port': '1'}
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend.XendDomainInfo 2404] DEBUG
(XendDomainInfo:988) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:143)
Waiting for devices vif.
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:149)
Waiting for 0.
[2008-06-10 19:22:17 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:476)
hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/95/0/hotplug-status.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:476)
hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/95/0/hotplug-status.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:490)
hotplugStatusCallback 1.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:143)
Waiting for devices usb.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:143)
Waiting for devices vbd.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:149)
Waiting for 257.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:476)
hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/95/257/hotplug-status.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:490)
hotplugStatusCallback 1.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:143)
Waiting for devices irq.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:143)
Waiting for devices vkbd.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:143)
Waiting for devices vfb.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:143)
Waiting for devices pci.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:143)
Waiting for devices ioports.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:143)
Waiting for devices tap.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:143)
Waiting for devices vtpm.
[2008-06-10 19:22:19 xend 2404] INFO (XendDomain:370) Domain VirtualMachine1 (95) unpaused.
[2008-06-10 19:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo
2404] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:923) Domain has crashed: name=VirtualMachine1
/* There is no reason being displaced for
crashing this daemon */
[2008-06-10 19:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo 2404] DEBUG
(XendDomainInfo:1557) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=95
[2008-06-10 19:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo 2404] DEBUG
(XendDomainInfo:1566) XendDomainInfo.destroyDomain(95)
[2008-06-10 19:22:24 xend 2404] DEBUG (DevController:476)
hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/2049/hotplug-status.
Please help me getting through this. Any help is
appreciated. Thanks in advance.