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Re: [Xen-users] Building 3.2.1

Quoting Todd Deshane <deshantm@xxxxxxxxx>:

Hello Jon,

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 2:35 PM,  <jonr@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello List,

 I am trying to build Xen 3.2.1 with the linux-2.6.18-xen-3.2.0.tar.gz
downloaded from http://xen.org/download/. Do I need to install mecurial to
get this to work?

Ok, here is what I did to get this to work without mercurial. I downloaded the two files from above then I untarred both into /var/xen/. I then cd into the buildconfigs directory and edited the 'src.hg-clone' and commented out the mercurial piece and added a symlink. Here is the portion that has the symlink with the whole file cut-and-pasted below:

        ln -snf linux-2.6.18-xen-3.2.0 linux-2.6.18-xen.hg
        touch $@

Then back up one directory into the xen-3.2.1 directory and issue the 'make world' 'make install'.
Hope that helps someone else,


# Mercurial
HG ?= hg

LINUX_SRCDIR ?= linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen.hg

# Repository to clone.
XEN_LINUX_HGREPO ?= $$(sh buildconfigs/select-repository $(LINUX_SRCDIR) $(LINUX_SRC_PATH))
# Set XEN_LINUX_HGREV to update to a particlar revision.

        ln -snf linux-2.6.18-xen-3.2.0 linux-2.6.18-xen.hg
        touch $@

# $(LINUX_SRCDIR)/.valid-src: $(__XEN_LINUX_UPDATE)
#       set -e ; \
#       if [ ! -e $(LINUX_SRCDIR)/.hg ] ; then \
#           __repo=$(XEN_LINUX_HGREPO) ; \
#           if [ -d $${__repo} ] ; then \
#               echo "Linking $${__repo} to $(LINUX_SRCDIR)." ; \
#               ln -s $${__repo} $(LINUX_SRCDIR) ; \
#           else \
#               echo "Cloning $${__repo} to $(LINUX_SRCDIR)." ; \
#               $(HG) clone $${__repo#file://} $(LINUX_SRCDIR) ; \
#           fi ; \
#       else \
#           __parent=$$($(HG) -R $(LINUX_SRCDIR) path default) ; \
#           echo "Pulling changes from $${__parent} into $(LINUX_SRCDIR)." ; \
#           $(HG) -R $(LINUX_SRCDIR) pull $${__parent} ; \
#       fi
#       set -e ; if [ -n "$(XEN_LINUX_HGREV)" ] ; then \
# echo "Updating $(LINUX_SRCDIR) to revision $(XEN_LINUX_HGREV)." ; \
#           ( cd $(LINUX_SRCDIR) && $(HG) update $(XEN_LINUX_HGREV) ); \
#       fi
#       touch $@

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