Re: [Xen-users] no xenfb in Fedora 8 Xen kernel?
On Sunday April 13 2008 10:06:10 pm Emre ERENOGLU wrote:
> I'm trying to start Xorg on a PV Fedora8 guest running fedora
> stock xen kernel, however, it seems that there's no xenfb.ko driver
> included in the .rpm package.
I *believe* that F8 uses the standard Xorg Linux Frame Buffer, fbdev. I know
that F8.9x development system (Rawhide) does. This may be related to F8
having switched running PV domains from xen-vncfb to 'qemu-dm -M xenpv ...'
I remember the F8 initial PV install by the dvd used the Xen Frame Buffer, but
that may have switched over to the Linux Frame Buffer around the same time
they switched from xen-vncfb to qemu-dm. Since I updated my F8 PV domain to
Rawhide, I can't double check that for you.
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