Re: [Xen-users] Waiting for device /dev/sda2 opensuse 10.3 + xen3.1.3
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 3:27 PM, ike wu < ikewu83@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear All, Please help me. I have download the xen 3.1.3 source code and linux2.6.18.8. After the installation, the machine can not boot, which shows "Waiting for device /dev/sda2 ". Please let me know if you want to know more detail.
Plus I have tried other version of suse and xen, all failed. Best Regards!
My guess is that you need to either build the initrd or that you need to add the proper modules to your initrd. You should see instructions on creating the initrd with mkinitramfs and mkinitrd in the README that came with the xen source code. I don't use opensuse so I can't be much more help on the exact commands.
Cheers, Todd
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