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Re: [Xen-users] Running nbench

To: Guillaume Betous <guillaume.betous@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Running nbench
From: Marcelo Messa <mrmessa@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:17:43 -0300
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Do you agree that your test tool could be your bottleneck?


Em 27/03/2008, às 11:16, Guillaume Betous escreveu:
Hi all !

We are making our first steps under Xen. We are working under Suse,
and we successfully installed 4 virtual machines on a Core2Duo T7200.

We have some special performance needs, so the first thing we tried is
to share, on different configuration, CPU usage.

To "touch" the results, we simply run nbench [1]

The problem is that we always have the same final result, even in the
following configurations :
- nbench running only on Dom0
- nbench running on 4 VM, each one has 1 VCPU (each VM is "any cpu")
- nbench running on 4 VM, each one has 1 VCPU (first VM in assigned on
CPU 0, the 3 others on CPU 1)
- nbench running on 4 VM, the first one has 10 VCPU, the other one
have 1 VCPU (each VM is "any cpu")

We really are getting crasy !!! Did we miss something ? How to be sure
to share correctly CPU consumtion ?

Thank you very much,



[1] http://www.tux.org/~mayer/linux/bmark.html

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