Re: [Xen-users] How can be defined the order of the starting of DomUs li
Hi Archie,
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Artur Linhart - Linux communication
<AL.LINUX@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I use Xen 3.1.0 for longer time, but I still have one problem –
> how could I define the order of the starting of the DomU instances which are
> automatically restored/started if the DOm0 starts?
> Thics can be important – for example, I want to start the
> database before tomcat starts, I want to start tomcat before load
> balancer... etc.
> I have truied to name the links in the /etc/xen/auto/ in some
> waz which I wanted this will be started (something like 000-database,
> 100-webserver, 200=loadbalancer) but this did not helped to me.
> Does anybody know, what could be the solution for it or from
> which source just the starting process takes the order of the startings?
You should take a look at your xendomains init script. Usually it is
stored in /etc/init.d/
>From that you should be able to determine how it picks the guest
order. I would have guessed that it would be in alpha order based on
the directory listing...
Best Regards,
> Thanx in advance,
> Archie
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